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Posts posted by NJ_hiker

  1. That's really odd, a claim of ten years experience but no table!

    It's not uncommon for providers to make lofty claims, I have seen even newcomers to brag of 7 years of experience. Those guys are best avoided.

  2. How wold you confront your masseur about checking his phone while warming up the oil in the microwave? Or finishing 15 minutes early?

    Every few weeks after seeing my masseur, I get the need to see him again, not because of the massage because it’s kind of mediocre, he doesn’t even massage the hands and feet, but because I enjoy the sensual he does. I’ve been seeing him for 4 years and haven’t asked him to really change anything during the session. Obviously I need him to change things if he’s not giving the full time and complete massage. Every time I leave, I regret paying for the massage because if the things I mentioned.

    How do I ask him to not look at his phone during the session and go the full hour?

    Wow! I'm sorry to point out that you have been enabling his bad behavior. This guy is taking advantage of your timidness - I want to whip your ass into growing a backbone to stand up to this asshole. Without inviting to a therapy session on Dealing with Masseurs 101, you have two options - man up and text him before your next session on your expectations - don't worry about how he feels as long as your message is diplomatic. If the subsequent session is no different, dump him and move on. Alternatively, find another masseur who is professional, gives you the full 60 min and panders to your idiosyncratic sensual cravings. This forum affords you the benefits of selecting a massuer who is tried and tested, so go through the information on here and take some risk.

  3. Seems you were not impressed NJHiker

    I'm fit, clean, and not demanding. If the masseur believes that for $150 they want to put in 35-40 min or mediocre (at best) work, then its not for me. They should go out in the real world and learn what employers expect when they pay a tenth or $15/hr of what the masseur is charging. He is a nice guy I should add, but he certainly rubbed me the wrong way.

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