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Everything posted by OccassionalHire

  1. ahhh.....but they seem sooooo easy to spot as sketchy......
  2. do they follow this board and then change when called out?
  3. They're back under slightly different names...WTF? https://rentmen.eu/michaelmillions https://rentmen.eu/davidandsmiths https://rentmen.eu/stevendagreat It's almost comical!
  4. Than these three profiles: https://rentmen.eu/michaelmillerss https://rentmen.eu/davidsmither https://rentmen.eu/stevendavis One give away is that their last logins are always at the exact same time....coincidence? Oh...and they all became members the last week of July, with two on the same day (July 30)!
  5. I've met LetMeFuckYou at social settings though never hired him. He seemed like a really nice guy.
  6. I've met but not hired him. Seemed like a very nice guy.....
  7. Yup, done it several times and never had a problem arranging. I like to watch (and give some direction) and it does not violate the terms of my relationship. It's like watching expensive porn.....
  8. A nice guy who is a lot of fun: https://rentmen.eu/Billy_Top
  9. When I hired him Chicago he said he preferred to top but "was down for whatever." The scene I eventually did with him did not involve him bottoming. But based on things he said during the session, I think he has an extremely strong predisposition to top, not bottom.
  10. Hired Tyler recently in Chicago with another guy. He was great...friendly, hot as hell and a big boy in every sense of the term.
  11. With regard to bareback, if they list "ask me" or "anything goes" on their profile, I assume they do bareback with clients (which is not automatically a disqualification for me). With regard to STDs, of course you can ask. The question is how much confidence you should have in the answer. And if you always use condoms with escorts, why does it matter if they bareback with others. If you are not confident that condoms will protect you from HIV, you shouldn't be doing this.
  12. If the guy is supposed to bottom, I am not sure I care that much if they are hard the whole time. But if they are supposed to top, it's an issue. I cannot say that I am 100% reliable on this front (but then I am not the one being paid).
  13. I give my nickname, not my real first name (which I have rarely used anyway)....
  14. Absolutely not. There are other ways to deal with specific security concerns (and I may have asked exactly what those concerns were). Did he volunteer to provide his full name in return?
  15. I was in a scene with two guys I hired and while one of them had his arm in the other's ass they asked me to take a pic and send it to them. A few days later the photo was (and still is) on their RM profile. LOL....I always get a kick out of it when I see it.
  16. Yikes! That is horrific....
  17. The dick doesn't act (absent an injection....)
  18. Looks more like the The Sometimes Bearded Wonder.......
  19. This actually makes sense to me and is the sort of thing that will need to be proven in court if it gets that far.
  20. Well, the pictures are clearly him (note tattoo on arm) and the screen name is Bkenn (Blu Kennedy)......
  21. The face pic just looks older than 34.....though he still looks good.
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