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  1. This site Try to stay on topic. We're talking about Facebook and Masseurfinder.
  2. Good catch for what? We're talking about MF requiring Facebook access. Bean Counter is trying to derail this conversation by taking a messy dump in the hallway of whatever blog post he can find and blame me for not cleaning it up. It never ends. He cannot move on. He is a bully.
  3. And, I am not dissing sites like these at all, thank God we have them, but, I already spend a great deal of time responding to questions like "how big is your cock?", "are you a mean top or a versatile mean top?", "will you massage my prostate with your finger AND your cock?", "what happens if your cock accidentally falls into my talented mouth." I am not saying I've never 'crossed the road', but, 99.9% of my sessions are about massage and stretching and I want it to stay that way. Five or six years ago, I posted an ad on the original Rentboy. I have two close friends who escorted and I always thought that would be an exciting short term gig. I promised myself that I would only do it for three months - my self esteem needed to know that I could survive on a skill rather that on my looks. It was totally fun. Most guys just wanted to make out. And, someone please bring a bucket of water for the witch who is calling me a liar. (I've never advertised on Rent Masseur.) Where can one post in internet land without shrilly declarative people scrambling for a little more stage time?
  4. I won't use rent masseur because of the name...it implies a sexual agenda.
  5. I have been advertising as a masseur on MasseurFinder (MF) for five and a half years. My name is Wally. On a very busy client day, a fellow masseur in GA, who also advertised on MF, messaged me asking if I had trouble logging onto MF. When I got his message, it was in between client appointments on a sold out day. Quickly, I logged on and saw a very intimidating message from MF that required me to log in through Facebook and also requesting that I give MF access to the contacts on my Facebook page and other permissions. I thought the site had been hacked. I continued reading, (paraphrasing) '...in order to rid MF of fake profiles you are required to have a Facebook page so that we know you are a real person...'. I was convinced they'd been hacked. After all, MF has a copy of my drivers license and my credit card...of course, I'm a real person and I have a real profile; after all, the second review in a month was just posted. I replied to my buddy that I thought MF had been hacked. He sent me a link to this post. I emailed support at MF. They are always very good at responding to issues. And, they confirmed what I read on this post, and, what I saw on my screen when I tried to log in. This 'Facebook' requirement was a surprise for me and for my buddy in GA. There was no warning that all advertisers must have a Facebook account. Thinking I had missed something, I poured through my emails - no mention of any Facebook requirement. Many of my massage clients do not have Facebook accounts either, and, therefore, cannot leave reviews. "If you don't sign in through Facebook, we will gladly refund the unused portion of your monthly fee" wrote Ben at MF. What the frickity frack! I feel a little kicked in the balls by MF. I could have created a Facebook account and started gathering friends to meet the requirements. My income is based on new clients who find me there. And, after paying $100 plus for five and half years, it leaves a very bitter tasted in my mouth because I was given ZERO notice. Most of my clients comment on all of the gear that I bring for them: fragrance free soap & shampoo, table, table heater, household cleaning products; crock pot (to heat the oil), two dozen sanitized coconut oil bottles, sheets, water, Gold Bond powder for my clients (because some of them really need to learn about that tool for the tool box), lavender-smelling hand sanitizer, etc, etc. I stay in nice rooms so clients feel comfortable walking in and I work my fucking ass off. I feel like I put more into my work than most. And, when I am blind sided with, yet, another strict requirement, it makes this job harder to navigate, and, me very fucking frustrated. I have been smoldering advertising ideas during my sessions today and have been exploring other avenues. During a client session today, I literally blurted out a "(GASP) THAT'S what I could do!" The client looked up..."What was that?!?!"
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