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Everything posted by VersGuy69

  1. VersGuy69

    Jaden Drills

    Seems to me lots of similar types of guys like Jaden from what I’ve discovered based off his reviews and clientele that follow him. He told me he has clients nationally so i wouldn’t be surprised actually and he’s always all over the place according to his profile and travel locations actually now that i think about it. I’m going to show him this thread, he will get a kick out of this. Are escorts allowed to join this forum or is it for clients only? Cheers everybody, hope everyone is having a relaxing Friday so far.
  2. VersGuy69

    Jaden Drills

    Oh hahha I’m so embarrassed; I’m new to all of this please excuse my ignorance!
  3. VersGuy69

    Jaden Drills

    I guess that’s a “newbie” mistake and I will keep this in mind for future reviews.
  4. VersGuy69

    Jaden Drills

    Wouldn’t disagree with you there!
  5. VersGuy69

    Jaden Drills

    My name is Guy also. I’m a regular professional dude from St Lois. I do often fantasize about what it’s like to be Jaden however I must say. Haha Updating my profile picture so I may gain just an inch more credibility. lol
  6. VersGuy69

    Jaden Drills

    I simply gave an opinion. I’m not gonna go back and forth all day about something so petty. I am going to review other escorts I’ve booked also before I met Jaden. I have no agenda to promote him or talk him up simply because I have my personal experience with him which was positive. Too each his own they say, everyone have an amazing weekend!
  7. VersGuy69

    Jaden Drills

    I even reached out to clients that reviewed him on RM by the way. Every single response i got was this guy is 5 stars all the way. Don’t believe me? Check his profile then, contact the clients that reviewed him with a direct message and take your own poll on him then. Find out for yourself since a newbie isn’t believable or credible.
  8. VersGuy69

    Jaden Drills

    Thank you ; It’s like people wake up just waiting to troll people online. I was just giving my opinion on the person. Why does that make people so upset that someone is being positive about a positive experience ? It’s like guys want myself or this said escort to be a douche bag and if one of us isn’t then it’s attack time because it’s expdcted for someone to be a liar or an ass. Anyways this isn’t even a huge deal, i simply gave my opinion on someone. It’s fine if no one believes me, It’s really not a big deal. But thanks for that perspective that was my thoughts entirely.
  9. VersGuy69

    Jaden Drills

    He just moved to Dallas from Vegas where I first met him. He had long hair back then but has feathered back hair with a really nice style now, so hot!! Your in the DFW area i see! Maybe you guys will link one day. Two hot guys crossing each other’s path doing what hot guys do! Yum!
  10. VersGuy69

    Jaden Drills

    Whelp i guess no new guy on a forum is believable, darn what will we do? Lmao I mean i guess i get that but if every review anywhere online about someone is 5 stars and positive and someone said something similar along the same narrative. I personally would find credibility in the review Becaue it matches the trend or narrative that already exists. But everyone is different. I’m also new to forums and everyone has to start out as new so idk how to increase my credibility being new? Lol Guess just gotta wait the time but it really doesn’t matter to me in any regards. Hope everyone has an amazing weeken! Might fly out and book Jaden again just to have something exciting to talk about on Monday at work.
  11. VersGuy69

    Jaden Drills

    So someone can’t post a positive review because they just joined a forum? This escort has nothing but 5 star reviews on his escorting profile, but it’s so unbelievable that i would post a positive review about my experience with him? Yea totally makes sense, but not really lmao. People are so miserable and full of hate for absolutely no reason it’s mind boggling to me at times but oh well lol no big deal to me. Makes absolutely zero logical sense that someone can’t give a positive review just because they are brand new to forum. Ide really like to understand the logic behind thzt but it’s not logical so idk about that one.
  12. VersGuy69

    Jaden Drills

    Jaden or me? This comment makes no sense. Lol
  13. VersGuy69

    Jaden Drills

    What do you want to know ? I’ve booked him a couple times whenever he was in my area. I usually keep an eye on him because he’s one of the best I’ve ever booked and really enjoy our time together.
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