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Everything posted by Mescaline

  1. I agree that there could be 1001 reasons people back out. Often they're just nervous. We have all walked past the gay bar we wanted to go in several dozens times before drumming up the courage to actually do it! The other thing, and I've lost count of the number of times I've tried to explain this to men, especially online. Contrary to what you might read on the internet, not all gay men are constantly "up-for-it" or gagging for cock! And I'm also not a machine. I can turn my sex on with the flick of a switch. And if I'm not horny a couple of Olympic gymnasts isn't going to magically me horny. Although twins might! The reason they don't return your calls isn't because they're ignorant bastards. It's because people don't like letting other people down. (I'm serious) and to ring somebody (in another world) you've arranged a date with and can't or don't want to go......calling them and telling them the facts can, for some people be really tough. If they ignore your calls and texts, they assume you'll get bored after a few hours and go away. So don't! Go round to their house and stand in the street and shout up at the window until the neighbours begin to pay attention! Then they'll let you in ;-)))
  2. Not only the young are ignorant bastards. I could list a hundred arrogant arseholes, but I'll stick to the one I've met and seen in action. Joan Rivers was a class A bitch!
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