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Everything posted by BlueSky

  1. Do think he's based in LV or was he just visiting there?
  2. He's cute. I like the well-defined abs. His height makes him look a little skinny but I suspect in person he comes off as muscular. I hope we get some feedback on him.
  3. Very cute. I like escorts who smile in the their pictures.
  4. Some of the men on the list I've never heard of. But I agree with number 1 Christopher Atkins. The Blue Lagoon made me feel all tingly in my naughty bits when I saw it.
  5. Yes, I would never have expected that. I haven't really seen many posts about hiring in Mexico on this forum. I wonder if demand from Americans really does influence those numbers.
  6. I did the update at work and home. So far so good. Time will tell but I like it so far.
  7. A4A Link He's cute. Very tempting. On the downside he doesn't seem to host.
  8. I turn off the feature where escorts can see if I visited their profile on RM. When I had it on, I would occasionally get messages (this happens more with PRO ads on A4A I find). It felt sort of awkward if an escort messaged me and I have no interest in hiring. I just wouldn't reply. Which seems rude but also it doesn't waste anymore of their time on someone who isn't interested.
  9. I thought we learned you should say NEIGH to the meatballs.
  10. The few times I've gone to an IKEA store it was exhausting and overwhelming. So no.
  11. We also recycle paper at work. I don't think most people in my office do though. It's a special trip to bin and I just don't think most people bother.
  12. The seems to be the suggestion that Takei spiked the drink....or what do you make of "disoriented and dizzy".
  13. Mocha, I found this an interesting observation. Can you say a little more about the apps? I'm assuming you mean things like Grindr. Do you think clients are hooking up through the apps instead of hiring? You might have discussed this elsewhere on the forum but I haven't heard an escort make that connection before.
  14. I'm inclined to believe Mr. Takei on this one. The "model's" story doesn't seem to add up at least as related in the article.
  15. When I lived in NYC glass was specifically excluded from recycling. IIRC, Mayor Bloomberg looked at the numbers and thought it wasn't cost effective so he nixed it.
  16. At first I thought these ads were two different men. But the tats and phone numbers line up. The masseurfinder pictures look about 10-15 years younger.
  17. When I lived in NYC I used a company called Fresh Direct. It wasn't really cost effective for a single person so I didn't do it that often. But it was convenient.
  18. Yes we have one big dumpster for paper, plastic, and cans. Is that what they call singe stream recycling? IDK. But it's easy to do so why not?
  19. Wow you can still learn something new. I didn't even know this was a thing. Reminds me of those giant snakes that can unhinge their jaws and swallow prey whole.
  20. I don't. I don't like being approached in public. I've had some real aggressive types get in my face and curse me out. So I just don't do it.
  21. I like his look. Muscular. I'd guess he's about 40 or more.
  22. Richard Gere (He looked good in a jocktrap) http://img.image-storage.com/3833154936/ad7a347e28484.png http://img.image-storage.com/3833154936/85103171ed0a4.jpg
  23. SDSM, do you have an updated link? The one in the OP doesn't seem to work anymore.
  24. It appears the next version of Firefox is a major rewrite. And it's due next week. My fingers are crossed that it solves the performance issues and keeps all the features I like. I also hope this isn't fake news.
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