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Posts posted by Brad1212

  1. I’ve read that  Monkey Pox is only contagious if the infected person already has symptoms.  It is apparently not very contagious during the incubation period.  If only people who experience symptoms would isolate for the duration of their illness, this thing would go away quickly?  Am I off base?  It is going to be 2023 before there is enough vaccine to  be available so we can’t put all our hope into that limited availability…

  2. 2 hours ago, LookingAround said:

    That’s for smallpox. Doesn’t relate to monkeypox immunity necessarily in terms of full protection needed. Go get vaccinated for monkeypox and don’t trust that a shot 60 years ago will protect you. 

    Would love to get it but it is not yet available sadly.  

  3. On 7/17/2022 at 2:55 PM, Redwine56 said:

    Well then, I'm certain we've all gotten the smallpox vaccine. . . However, many years ago.  Can we be hopeful that it may offer some protection from the monkeypox?

    I have read some reports that the smallpox vaccine that we used to get as kids may offer some protection against monkey pox as the vaccine remains active in the body for a very long time.

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