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Everything posted by BigNoiseDallas

  1. Sounds like great customer service -- but still too expensive for now.
  2. Garland would be fine, but a GF? Dealbreaker -- plus he's incredibly expensive compared with his peers. I was going to text him tonight, but I'll pass. Thanks, Xanadulvr, for doing the research!
  3. I'll send you a PM if I schedule a session with him.
  4. Bumping to get this thread back to the first page. If I don't hear from anyone, I might have to take one for the team.
  5. Just my profile pic -- and in case you're wondering, I'm NOT The Divine Miss M, LOL.
  6. Any info on this guy? It's a new profile -- first appeared today. https://rentmasseur.com/HandsToHeal
  7. Shoot, that's good to know -- will do that to my account. I like to peruse out-of-town therapists just to see their "offerings," knowing full well that it's just window-shopping and that I'll probably never schedule them unless they come to Dallas.
  8. You're welcome. Of course, some of them may just send you an email that says "What's up?" or some such short nonsense, while others will send you a pretty detailed email (not many, but some). Good luck!
  9. You won't get any spam emails in your private email -- at least I haven't noticed any -- but you might receive emails from therapists in your rentmasseur inbox. The messages are usually brief, such as "Thank you for viewing my profile. Please contact me if you would like to schedule a session or need additional information." My guess is that therapists have a standard reply that they copy and paste into an email.
  10. I followed up with the masseur today (via text). He replied almost immediately -- he received my text but missed it and was very apologetic about that. I told him that it wasn't an issue and that I would try to schedule something with him soon (and would try to give him more notice). Thanks for all of the advice and feedback!
  11. Rob is a great option, saw him when he passed through Dallas earlier this year. Outstanding massage -- and the sensual part was good, too.
  12. Thanks for the feedback, Dmitri. Perhaps I should have called on Saturday morning to follow up (a few hours after my original request would have been too late.). I wanted to get some ideas from other members here who have experienced the same issue. Appreciate your suggestions!
  13. On one request, I texted around 2 p.m., asking for an appointment at something like 8 p.m. the next evening; on another request, after a few back-and-forth texts, the therapist said "yes, I'll schedule you" -- and never replied to any follow-up texts; and on a third one, I agreed to re-schedule an appointment at the masseur's request (he asked to re-schedule and suggested the alternate evening, and it worked for me) -- and he never replied. These were all masseurs I had seen multiple times over multiple years. I thought about a phone glitch as well and considered sending a second text -- but now I'm not available for at least a couple of weeks. The masseur is highly recommended by someone on this site.
  14. Thanks for the advice. I've been getting massages for about 20 years, and this is probably about fourth or fifth time I've not received a reply about a request -- oddly enough, 3 of the "non-replies" were therapists I had seen multiple times with no issue that I know of.
  15. Sent you a PM. Don't want to be accused of slander just in case any Dallas therapists visit here and recognize themselves, .
  16. How do you follow up when a therapist doesn't respond to a request for an appointment? Do you re-send the request and, if so, how much time do you let pass and how do you phrase your re-send? I politely texted a recommended therapist in Dallas a little after 8 p.m. Friday night, requesting a session at 10 a.m. Saturday. I realize that might not be a lot of notice and that he might have been booked, but it's now 10:30 p.m. Saturday, and no reply.
  17. Love it when a masseur slowly drags their hand (or sometimes their forearm) up and down my crack, then hesitates ever so slightly before rubbing my hole, then slowly moves down to lightly caress my balls. Mercy, is it just me or is it hot in here??
  18. I had a session with him several years ago. I seem to remember it was OK -- nothing to make me think neither "Wow, that was great, I can't wait to see him again" nor "For the love of a sweet God, that was terrible. What a waste of time and money." I think he was traveling then -- the session was in his hotel room (on a table). Good luck!
  19. Any info on this masseur? https://rentmasseur.com/Beefyshaitan He recently relocated from Austin to the Dallas area.
  20. Has anyone had a session with this guy? https://www.adam4adam.com/profile/view/hotnordic
  21. I'd also like a PM. Thanks!
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