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Posts posted by kov78

  1. Finally had the chance to see Cade and he is simply incredible. Not only is he the hottest man I've ever seen (What a body!) but he is a total gentlemen and sweetheart. He even picked me up at the train station instead of having me Uber to his place. He's the absolute best in and out of the bedroom.


    That is nice. I met with someone at their hotel. When we finished there he offered to give me. Ride home. THAT says. Lot about someone.

  2. I've had there honor and pleasure to have spent time with Parker. Hes an amazing man all around. Kind, considerate, caring. He has even texted me to check on me when I was having a rough time. I absolutely would go as far as saying I consider him a friend. I absolutely adore him.


    Just had wanted to add to my post. Seeing the bitching or anything negative about Parker really ticks me off. This is a man that on his own did research and sent me information that I needed. I didn't ask about it , I didn't have to put a deposit..... Or pay for the time he spent looking things up for me. He did it cause he's a good man. And the "dig" about working for TIM..... Wtf, judging much ??? Our community has to deal with enough crap from others , we don't need our own judging and perpetuating stigmas. / Rant off.

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