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Everything posted by Cannon

  1. I think that's wonderful! Everyone has their own boundaries.
  2. I dont escort anymore, but i received a text a week ago from a client that I escorted for a couple of times. I took it as a compliment. If a former client started looking me up on instagram though I'd find it a touch unsettling.
  3. Oscar Isaac Idris Elba Josh Bowman
  4. I would absolutely do this. While I appreciate other beautiful men, and I find different things and features beautiful, Ive never been fixated on the physical. I do need to be attracted to you but your personality will play just as large a role in that as your exterior looks. While others balk at monogamy, I really like monogamy so if the terms were beneficial and worthwhile of course I would do this
  5. This isn't the forum for this but how much melanin someone has or doesn't have in their skin is not a social construct...it's biology. Race on the other hand is a social construct. So... I'm not missing anything, we just see it differently and I will always identify myself as Black or mixed :-) .....now spotlight back on Mocha and his quest to move.
  6. My modest suggestion would be to avoid shouldering a major fixed expense on a business that ebs and flows in an area that you aren't sure about. Because where you live is such a commitment, take your time, and travel a bit more until you find the area that is suitable for your lifestyle and business. You'll find it.
  7. If one finds it absolutely necessary to highlight my ethnicity, I loathe the term "exotic", which indicates that Whites see themselves as the standard and anyone else as "exotic". (A bit narcissistic) "Person of color" is also silly because everyone is of a color or hue, "African-American" is also silly My roots in the country go back a good 400 yrs (ever since there was an actual America). So I don't hyphenate being an American. Being Black White & Native American, you can't get more American than that. I didn't immigrate here nor did my parents, or theirs, or theirs or theirs So if it's necessary, referring to me as Black or Mixed would suffice.
  8. I think you should disclose it not to make anyone feel more comfortable but just as a casual matter of fact. I think it's good to describe yourself just so that no one is caught off guard or surprised. There is no shame in your ethnicity or color regardless of what that might be. I flew to meet a client once, who sent me a picture of a guy that was of a totally different body type AND ethnicity/color. (I don't use the term race unless I'm emphasizing the only race there actually is, which is the human race) it was unnecessary for him to do this because I don't care what ethnicity or color you are. When I got off the plane it was only awkward for a moment because of the "bait and switch", but I addressed it and then we had THEEE best time that I have EVERRRR had with ANYONE! If someone has an issue with your ethnicity, color, age, then that is their issue. Don't make it yours!
  9. Racism is racism. Period. There are no degrees or levels to it. The idea of there being levels to racism is as much a lie as the entire construct of race which was made up by racist whites to devalue & dehumanize Blacks, and other indegenous people.
  10. I prefer advanced planning as well. Ideally, just a day or two of notice in advance is all I need to accommodate schedules.
  11. Be as specific and upfront right away, and you can't go wrong.
  12. I would never ask a client's full name. In fact, I've had clients give me fake names before and I'm okay with that as well.
  13. I wouldn't mind if someone asked me to take a photo with them, (and they have) but I would likely decline. One reason is I simply do not like taking photos.
  14. Thank u guys for the feedback. I opted to be my usual direct self. I asked him and He assured me that the invite was both for the massage session and to chat AKA talk me out of the move that I'm considering. So...off to Laguna I go. Thanks again.
  15. Hey Guys, So, I have a massage client in Laguna Niguel. He is a great client. We talk a lot and he knows that I very much enjoy getting out of Los Angeles on occasion. In any case, we usually book our appointments through text. A few days ago he asked me to call him &I I acquiesced. He asked what I had been up to and one of the things I mentioned is I am considering a temporary move outside of Los Angeles. He asked why and I told him. He said he wanted to talk it over with me some more. He then asked what my plans are for Sunday and if I wanted to come to Laguna. I asked him if he was referring to my plans for the afternoon or for that evening. He replied "just... what are your plans". "My schedule is ever evolving & as of right now, I haven't begun to make plans" was my reply. He then said, "would you like to come to Laguna"? I said sure. He then mentioned the shows he wanted to watch with me and a restaurant he would like to go to when I arrive. This was all conducted differently than how we normally set up our appts. Normally he'd just say, "hey are you available Saturday night?" This wsd unclear to me whether this was an appointment, a mild intervention to keep me from making the temporary move, or both. I need to clarify for the sake of clarity. Now, I'm a very direct and bottom line person but I know that can be offputting to some people, so I often soften my delivery at times when needed to keep the relationship healthy. I think everyone in any business does that. You have to be firm when needed and soften it when you necessary. I know that for some people it's not what you say it's how you say it. What are some good ways for me to clarify that this is an appointment and that I won't be able to just blow off (for lack of a better term) an entire day in Laguna? Thank you kindly for your time guys.
  16. And I'm grateful to you for saying so; thank you.
  17. I second that motion. Hawaii was life changing for me and I've never been more relaxed than I was when I was there. I literally pray that if all is in alignment, I'll be able to go again to holiday there for Thanksgiving.
  18. Granddaddy & Grandmother I miss them so much.
  19. How many of you are travelers and often get massage outcalls done at your hotels?
  20. Question: if it was "terrible" (to use your word for the experience), why would you want to see him again? and in his defense, why would he want to see someone that potentially hurt his business by giving him a bad a review. It seems both of you would want to cut your losses and move on. No?
  21. If someone is thoughtful, a gentleman, doesn't patronize me, and sees me regularly, I would definitely consider him to be a good client.
  22. March is a difficult month for me to travel but if I could, New Orleans, DC, & Ft Lauderdale are on my wish list of places to go domestically that I have yet to travel.
  23. First, I want to say how much I love how supportive the companions are of each other here on this forum! Second, I want to ask a question of the companions. I am a companion who hasn't been doing this long. I do this part time with school and work. I don't advertise. Its all been word of mouth or being approached in alternative ways. I have a small number of guys that I see and I'd like to keep it small actually. In a short amount of time I've had great & lucrative experiences and even been able to travel, but not advertising makes me wonder what great and lucrative experiences I may be missing. So Im wondering how valuable you think having an ad on Rentmen is in your own experiences because I think most of you on the forum do advertise. By advertising, I know I would be making myself vulnerable to the negatives that I have been able to avoid with word of mouth.... like dealing with the flakes, time wasters, the mentally imbalanced, the lower end etc. I think this is subjective and I suspect opinions will vary but in your own view, is it worth it?
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