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Everything posted by hopehawk

  1. Just want to give a heads up. This guy is now on rentmasseur. https://rentmasseur.com/bearnakedmassage
  2. Had a recent massage with Jay (https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/wellbeingtouch.shtml). Had a great atmosphere, massage itself was medium, but his ending technique was pretty mindblowing. I feel like some guys take a standard erotic approach to the ending and some guys know sensual erotic techniques that are tantric in nature. This was the latter.
  3. You're misunderstanding... I sent an initial message and then he responded suggesting a couple different times, one being in a few hours. I responded selecting that time, but then heard nothing for a couple hours as that time was rapidly approaching. Hearing nothing in return, I respectfully backed out. Almost immediately after that he resurfaces with an attitude because he hadn't been able to respond during another appointment. If he had only told me that he wasn't able to respond for that reason --without the added snippy comments-- we definitely could've reestablished the appointment and all would've been fine, but he copped an attitude and that immediately killed my interest. Edit: Should have mentioned that he responded with times initially in my first comment. So I get the confusion. Hope it is clear now
  4. Corbin goes out of the way on his profile to let you know his ego isn't inflated like other masseurs and then when you try to book him he doesn't reply to a single text and when you politely cancel because you can't get confirmation he proceeds to berate you saying "I'm not like all of the other masseurs just waiting for a client's message...." Yeah, no ego there.... Apparently he was with another client which is all well and good, but you could just say that when you are finally able to respond. His attitude was ridiculous when I finally cancelled after no response with only two hours before we were supposed to meet. I'm normally nothing but kind to masseurs, but I straight up told this guy I dodged a bullet. I would avoid this one.
  5. Couple recent chicago experiences I thought I'd share. Saw Bigman again. https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/bigmanbodywork2.shtml - Rate continues to be the best for a massage with HE. The massage is decent, but the ending was really memorable. Gave me something to think about during future j/o sessions. I do recommend this masseur highly. Other masseur goes by Kyle. https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/guynexdoor.shtml - So, let me preface my review by saying the guy is nice and actually has a great technique. That said, I made a little small talk very early just to break the ice and this guy took it and ran. He talked nonstop throughout the entire experience including.... -Mentioning his anxiety and that he has a therapist. - Discussing his escort past - Talking about his plans to write a book detailing some of his masseur experiences. - Asking if I have single gay friends with a similar body type. FFS guy. That is way too much unsolicited information--I just met you. Also, the ask about single friends was super uncomfortable. The cherry on top was that the mutual touch was really unexciting as he just wasn't "excited". Again, it's a shame because his massage technique is on point but his talking distracted him from the task at hand and I couldn't get a mental break. Really wanted this one to be a winner as his proximity to me is so close, but I cannot recommend this guy based on this experience.
  6. This thread made my night. Dimitri's story and the Helen Keller joke in particular. My worst experience was also my most recent one. A masseur who goes by NakedBearRub3 on A4A agreed to meet me later the same day for a massage. We agreed on $100.00 for the massage. I arrived about ten minutes early which he didn't mind. He led me downstairs to his massage table which was a bed with a paper thin sheet on it (red flag). He massaged me for about 5 minutes and then I was asked to flip over. He proceeded to the HE portion of the massage which concluded before the original time we even agreed upon. I was able to clean up briefly, but noting that only about 10 minutes had passed I asked for more massage. He was like "I guess, usually people just go after that part." So after at most 5 more minutes of massage he goes for HE number two. It doesn't happen. Still in the refractory period. I ask if he could just massage a while longer, but nope about 25 minutes in he's throwing in the towel. As I go to dress, he is literally guarding the door like I'm going to make a break for it. I politely asked if $80 would be acceptable given the extremely short duration of the massage and he responds "Nope, you finished twice, my clock is fast, I do 45 minutes, $100." I didn't, which he would know if he spent less time watching the clock and it wasn't even close to 45 minutes. Will never get a massage again from someone who is solely on A4A with no other reviews/website.
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