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Posts posted by db66

  1. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/aussie-hot-hands-nyc-recommended.125366/#post-1301109






    Giving Ian a bump for anyone looking in Honolulu. Just saw him again this week - Ian gives a great technical massage, and he is fit as ever! Plus just a really nice man. I started a new thread because the old one started when he was visiting NYC, but his home base is HNL.


    Edited to add: For those nostalgic about his LA days, Ian told me he's planning a visit here in January.

  2. In my experience it can be a little (and I mean just a little) cruisy, though sometimes not at all. I would say the vast majority are there for the actual facilities and/or to socialize with each other loudly in Eastern European languages, not that there's anything wrong with that. Almost exactly the reverse of the Century experience in terms of customer base. Facilities are well worn. Check the schedule if you decide to go - there are Ladies and Co-ed sessions, as well as men only times.


    PS. It's at Pico and Burnside, between LaBrea and Fairfax, if memory serves.

  3. Just chiming in to say that I've seen Eddie a couple of times. I think he's a good masseur, worth what he charges in my opinion, but his shorts stayed on during both visits and there was nothing in his manner that suggested there was any other option. Also, the first time I saw him I distinctly remember that there were several "I love you so much" type messages posted all around the apartment. He might as well have posted a sign at the door that said "Yes, I have a boyfriend, so don't try". Also, the second time I called for an appointment he asked for a picture "so he could remember me" -- I didn't think much of the request, I sent it, he remembered me, and we booked the appointment. And I am no "fit stud" for sure. So maybe he's just gotten careful about who he invites into his space - giving him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he had a bad experience. And of course maybe I'm just naive. None of that would keep me from going again - the biggest drawbacks I found were that his apartment was hard to find within the complex the first time, and parking was a little difficult for an evening visit.

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