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Everything posted by bloop

  1. What's the image policy for public photos on rentmasseur.com? I just saw something I would think definitely crosses whatever line they've established, but I'm curious...
  2. No direct experience, but he has (or had) some videos up on the tube sites. I think it was mostly naked yoga. I can't remember the exact screen name he had, but it had "apple" in it somewhere.
  3. bloop

    Skin Care

    Ehh, those are both misconceptions according to my research. I’ll see a dermatologist if I experience adverse consequences from my routine.
  4. bloop

    Skin Care

    I have very oily skin, which is great for looking youthful, but not so wonderful when it comes to my colossal pores. I just switched up my routine a bit, so now I chemically exfoliate (BHA and AHA) twice a day and use a charcoal mask as the first step in my evening routine. Morning: Cream cleanser Toner BHA AHA Retinol serum Light, oil-free moisturizer Evening: Mask Cream cleanser Toner BHA AHA Retinol undereye moisturizer Gel moisturizer (thicker than what I use in the morning) I thought the twice a day exfoliating would be too harsh on my skin, but it’s working well so far and I just give it a break for a day if my skin is feeling too irritated.
  5. Terrible massage and wouldn’t stop talking
  6. Yeah, I saw him a couple of times. I’m not really a fan of shiatsu, but he might be worth a try if that’s your thing.
  7. I've never had to pay him upfront, fwiw. *shrug*
  8. Thank you! That thread didn't come up when I searched for some reason.
  9. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/36346/ New listing, but maybe he's been around before?
  10. I love God’s Own Country so much despite its similarities to Brokeback Mountain, a movie of which I’m not at all a fan. Unrelatedly, I love your work @Cyd_StVincent
  11. I don’t think he’s crazy necessarily, but he’s definitely quite goofy and a bit awkward.
  12. In a couple of those pics, he has a spray tan that’s meant to emphasize/create more definition for his abs.
  13. I've also hired him through one of the massage sites and had never seen his escort ads (though it doesn't come as a surprise given how our session progressed). But let's talk about his spray-on abs in those pics...
  14. I’ve had to hold it in a couple times before. Never actually let it rip. I imagine a good masseur can probably tell anyway, as they should be paying attention to your body and where you’re holding tension or have some...disturbances happening.
  15. Used to be my regular guy when he was in Boston. Still haven’t found anyone as good as him!
  16. I think he used to be based in MA. Anyone have info? https://rentmasseur.com/USAMassageGuy https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/31768/
  17. This isn’t helpful, but I tried booking with him when I was in town for a few days and his response times were all over the place and we kept missing each other. I don’t know if that’s how he generally is or if it was specific to when I was trying to get in touch with him. Maybe try to plan in advance.
  18. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/29900/ Caught my eye, perhaps because his picture has a mugshot quality to it. Overall, the DC options seem fairly underwhelming...
  19. Has anyone tried this guy? He's not bad looking, but most of his pics are awful.
  20. I contracted shigella from rimming a masseur earlier this year and my doctor was initially dumbfounded because she hadn't seen a case in over a decade.
  21. Absolutely agreed. That's why I looked slightly askance at the above comment about treating massage as a hobby vs a job. Of course, clients should always be professional, but some masseurs do this work for the reasons you described (while also maintaining professionalism...in most cases).
  22. This is still fascinating to me because even with the few masseurs I've hired who use PayPal or Venmo, there's a lack of directness. In each case, I recall that I've sent the masseur the payment and I've had to either remember their rate or look it up because they didn't just tell me when said I was doing an e-payment (or take the transaction into their own hands and charge my account). The only time I've been directly presented with a price is when I've used my card and they hand me the app as you mentioned. I'm trying to think of what service might be most analogous to m4m massage, but most of the time there's someone besides the practitioner who handles payment (at a spa, some hair salons, the doctor's office, personal trainers, etc). When dining out, you're presented with a bill, though typically in a check presenter so there's some gesture towards discretion. And of course, in most cases prices are listed on a menu you receive. I guess I find this interesting because my original hunch was that it has to do with the proximity to sex work (I'd consider even some strictly therapeutic masseurs on MF and RM sex workers) and a desire to downplay the exchange of money. I'm also inclined to believe that people in this line of work tend to not be especially business savvy, but that's obviously a sweeping assumption.
  23. This is a valid point, but I've also noticed that some masseurs can become sheepish about the more transactional aspects of the trade. For example, I've come across enough masseurs who chafe at being handed the payment that I always just place it on a surface in plain view once the massage is done and I've gotten dressed. Or they'll suddenly become cutesy and aloof ("Oh, is this for me?"). I find the lack of straightforwardness about the transactional nature of the experience to be an annoyance, and I wonder if any masseurs on here have insight on that.
  24. Any info on this guy? https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/14897/
  25. I third Ronnie. I've seen him a couple of times and he's a great guy.
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