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Everything posted by Dr.Mavin

  1. Same I would like to know on how interactive. I have seen Ryan and Jesse and they both were pretty interactive. I am thinking about seeing reese or adrian
  2. You can look him up on Adonis's instagram. He is going by Dragos here in New York
  3. Ivan is now in New York. Has anyone seen him? He is making his day view tonight at the Adonis 8 year anniversary party. Him and I are planning to see each other later this week for an in person session. But I am curious as to how interactive he is. I have been on the fence about seeing Jesse Jaymes again.
  4. If you follow social media you could see all the drama play out
  5. I have been quite a few of the guys who were the pimps “consistent” partner and they have all said nothing but bad things when it has ended. Adrian Moss for example HATES the pimp. They were together too for sometime.
  6. LOL, I was just about to say that. It is not him replying to you. It is his pimp. Sad that he doesn't really remember who you are. No customer service.
  7. Has anyone seen him recently? I texted him and he hasn't responded. Also what are his rates he is charging hourly? I got quoted a few different amounts.
  8. I have. Its ok. It gets REALLY crowded. The strippers are also VERY aggressive. I usually end up arguing with one or 2 of them because they try to scam you
  9. He's huge! I am glad he is having fun. We are friends on instagram.
  10. Anyone saw the new ad for the new russian model Ivan? He is in LA today. He told me 1k for an in person session.
  11. Jesse is great! Very sensual! Seen him twice already.
  12. Agreed! Very sensual! I believe he may be topping soon too.
  13. Not that I know of. But something tells me he may have for a lot of money.
  14. Dr.Mavin

    Jesse Jaymes

    https://rent.men/JesseJaymes I recently say him and enjoyed our session. He definitely likes to put you at ease and pleases. However negotiate what you want upfront or you may be stuck.
  15. His social media presence does not turn you off? He is always having sex with multiple women on his instagram story. I am just worried about catching anything.
  16. LOL, I have seen him around via other sites but I have yet to actually meet someone who has met him.
  17. Agreed. But there is a limit especially when there is hotter guys out there, in my opinion. When he was dancing at Swinging Richards in Florida and Floppy Rooster he wasn't the "main" guy. He didn't get that much action. I feel like the days of extremely hot dancers are gone so we are stuck with cocky guys like Alfie who are now considered "headliners"
  18. Ive known him for years. He definitely has let the attention get to his head. He used to dance a while back at Swinging Richards back in Fort Lauderdale and he used to get pretty hot. However, I saw him a few months back and the lap dance was one of the worse I had. He is a sweet guy but you can tell its all fake.
  19. Dr.Mavin

    411 Klay NYC

    A doctor of MEN lol
  20. Dr.Mavin

    411 Klay NYC

    Shoot him a text. Hes very open on his limits.
  21. Dr.Mavin

    411 Klay NYC

    Yes at one time. He had a long list of guys. Klay is only $400 btw guys. Vanilla (everything but sex)
  22. Dr.Mavin

    411 Klay NYC

    Google is your friend. Pimp manages a lot of others as well.
  23. Dr.Mavin

    411 Klay NYC

    It is him. Google the number and you will find his pimp.
  24. Dr.Mavin

    411 Klay NYC

    He is in New York right now and will be here for a few days. He already has some bookings.
  25. Dr.Mavin


    Hes off season right now.
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