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Everything posted by MGTOW_Tx

  1. How would you know you only watched a trailer and i think its a bit unfair to judge a movie on that alone...maybe you reach all your conclusions this fast.
  2. I would like to think spending time with a female client is different than being in a relationship with them also i think the men in mgtow are mixed but my hope would be more and more would refuse to get married.
  3. I think sir then you need to accept the fact that your being obtuse and the fact that you admit you haven't watched the film about men's rights yet in the same sentence lump the idea with whites and reverse racism as if you have a complete picture on the subject matter...yet you dont, when you say people need to man up...my question is why dont you take that advice and man up your self in that way before you cast judgment because frankly I appreciate everyone's thoughts and im not here saying you are wrong absolutely and in fact there is merrit to both sides of any argument however you seem to think one side is always wright or wrong no matter the subject matter and that is very ignorant.
  4. Lord that takes the cake ugh...i think everyone is allowed to have an opinion blacks and whites and i want to listen to both and think both have marret and its unfair just to brush any thought aside.
  5. Thank you I have been dying to see this movie and we are the opposite of what is going on...I am shocked and thank you for putting this up i dont want to put wemon down at all but men dont seem to see what the hell is going on to allot of men and even though none of this stuff has happened to me i feel for every man that it has and i am standing for them
  6. Gay people are fine sir and you dont seem to understand i love gay people but at the end of the day your a man and i personaly reject your argument on its face because you know nothing you talk about and only a divorced man or married man with age will understand what i speak of and for that i take away your man card you mangina
  7. Lol your incorrect lol...bought me a smile thanks
  8. You know what gets me about you is that your the type of guy who cant stand to be wrong and in my statement i make concessions however you dont and only see error in other points of view even when i see serious issues with yours.. For instance you say Yuck to women yet you might as well say gorse...I think that is wrong but your holly approach to all things, First that tells me your not bi so step back a min I knew i was right your exclusively gay so what the hell would you know about wemon other than fag hags? I also dont hold the position the women are Yuck. (You sound like a 4 year old) Your the sad one its clear your fake and this is a projected image for all to see and even if it is you i feel worse because you patronizing, aragent in that when you disagree the other side is no longer an opinion. you sir make me puke
  9. STILL married and I adore her...I let her know how loved she is and how amazing she is and in all ways how lucky I am to have her I also make it my goal everyday to lift her up even at my expense at times....with that i understand she is a female and does dumb female shit from time to time and I have to put my foot down from time to time to let her know that I am the man I have the penis!
  10. I like that you guys are giving it a look no one says you have to agree with everything but maybe some of it rings true and maybe some of it does not im not an absolutist at all but for me I am happy to say I am MGTOW
  11. No offense to you but you probably just go any direction the wind goes considering your ass is up for all to see, though im sure your a good guy and all. I am entitled to my opinion and i said i was sorry for the wording whore and let me add i should not be so inclusive to say all women but in general i dont trust the majority of them. I think you may not have read that i said i was wrong in fact for part of my statement and i added a bit here because some of the points are valid but i think its really ignorant that you make it out for me to be a racist or homophobic and its sad honestly...I feel for you Also no offense meant but who the hell are you to have any real opinion on lady's considering your probably exclusively gay and have not been in a romantic relationship with women...
  12. I am allowed to have my ope I hold true to my words with the exception of the fact i misused whore and im sorry for that but i find it a bit odd your offended by me saying keyboard justice worrier and yet you utter that im a troll as if your words are less offensive...I will not even get into your second paragraph because that would open a whole can of worms but i congratulate you on your opinions sir...if i were a troll as you say id be giving my opinion on many things there and well trolling but I wont bite.
  13. @LivingnLA I love how you call me a troll for having my opinions and i think its very telling that i never lodged an attack on you yet that's your direction with me....I was out of line saying whores but that's about it because i said many times i dont support sexual harassment or assault and I found the artical to be offensive that the authorities gave a whistle to the lady's and not a can of mace or any real way to defend them self's or for that matter put the pervs in line... I do understand the artical was not about man spreading of course i even said that however you must have just been a keyboard justice worrier and went to town trying to put me in my place without reading all my comments...the word its self upsets me as a man and regardless for me like i said this is my opinion and i am allowed it just like you are and i respect that fact. My handle says MGTOW (Men going there own way) I am supporting mens rights...im allowed to have a view also you do NOT have to agree that said im not cutting you down as a person for your views i respect it and i hope to learn from it...frankly you were right there not whores though in MGTOW that point may be argued. I have a different take on it because I see time and again where this crap is simply made up and that's fine that you dont.
  14. Alright wrong choice of words and i stand corrected but yeah i dont trust the female in general.
  15. I want to agree with you because I think we can all agree sexual assault and harassment is awful and not to be excused and frankly that is were were differ because I dont trust the whores because many of them make that shit up and many men go to prison on only there word alone and that goes for harassment also...I am sorry I need more than that and im done feeling sorry for the sex. Also I find it a joke that in the artical they hand out whistles to the lady's to point out the men...what about a can of mace and a swift kick in the nuts and maybe the perp wont do that again. I agree this artical is not about man spreading but the word its self makes me miffed...
  16. Amen and i applaud men for being men!
  17. Though i didn't read the piece I might because of the comic short video and though there trying hard to convey a sexual assault issue it is really clear to me that there expressing there disgust for men and frankly trying to shame men for being a man! I am no way saying sexual aggressors are good. Mexico needs to focus on other huge issues.
  18. I agree men have a cock and that is one reason but the other reason that is not mentioned is it just feels good to spread my legs...women need to step the fuck back on this issue. I will be considerate to riders of course but i dont need some bitch telling me how to be a man!
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