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Everything posted by Stormy

  1. I have been a smoker since the age of 20. I tried unsuccessfully to quit in the past. I make it to 2 months as a non smoker and then BAM - the urge to Smoke comes back. I've tried hypnosis, patches, that God awful pill and cold turkey. When I quit I tend to eat a lot more food and gain weight. What a viscuous cycle. Any success stories from forum members in stopping smoking?
  2. Wiley, you are Wiley enough to see a winner. Roman freeze joined on October 20 and already has a review. Besides he's hot. Very hot. (And I usually go for darker men). Let us know what you decide. I would go for Ronan if you recommend
  3. I am "straight acting and appearing" and I have no problem telling people I am gay. I'm proud of being part of the gay community
  4. I bet Lost River West Virginia guest house would be a nice place for Thanksgiving. Beautiful mansion in the mountains, a bar and restaurant. I spent New Years there one year. I recommend
  5. My ring finger is longer! I will no longer be confused about my sexuality. I have scientific evidence that I am gay. YAY!
  6. Stormy

    Gustav Witzoe

    I'm a sucker for a man with tattoos. I like guys who choose to tell their story with their body. And at least he doesn't have a gorilla tattoo that scares you. The tiger is a nice choice. I chose birds for my tattoos
  7. The world's youngest billionaire and male model. Notice a lack of beautiful women in his Instagram pics? https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/7503668/worlds-youngest-billionaire-is-25-year-old-male-model-who-poses-in-flash-instagram-snaps-smoking-cigars-and-cuddling-dogs-on-jet-skis/
  8. So happy you have a Walker. Perfect instrument to brace yourself when your boytoy enters from behind.
  9. Stormy

    Alexandre Milan

    Very helpful Boomer. Thanks for finding this for me
  10. OMG. I have fallen in love yet again. Any info on this stud? https://rentmen.eu/AlexandreMilan
  11. It is nerve wracking but I've never been to Karaoke where the audience was rude. So I do karaoke from time to time even though I'm not a good singer. I really bombed one night while visiting a Russian River bar trying to sing the Beatles "Revolution". I do better with the oldies like Otis Redding's. "Sittin on the Dock of the Bay".
  12. Thx for your recommendation guys. I'm also looking at Fabio who is visiting from Milan.
  13. Stormy


    What if Google was deleted and you couldn't Google what happened to Google? https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&channel=iphone_bm&source=hp&ei=lxe-W8r4HK65ggfoy54Q&ins=false&q=what+if+google+was+deleted+meme&oq=what+if+googlecwas+del&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-hp.1.1.0i13l2.2169.11084..12398...1.0..0.223.3334.0j20j2......0....1.......5..0j46j35i39j46i39j0i131j46i20i264j0i67j0i20i264j0i131i20i264j46i131j46i10j0i8i13i30.qn0fcCDurJs#imgrc=rrNXbP7kIIMmuM:
  14. it just seems like a good time to search fro an escort either in DC or visiting DC this weekend. I prefer smooth young Latinos but not exclusive. Any one else looking and could give me a rave recommendation?
  15. https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/42761312_2224341867843222_2544075177151430656_o.png.jpg?_nc_cat=103&efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=e0de0db976a35c4887a28d0b6a137ca1&oe=5C5F9C3F
  16. I miss my bamboo floor in my last condo. I feel bamboo - zled for moving out. You can buy bamboo paper towels and toilet paper too in case you didn't know
  17. So this is the way escorts check out their clients prior to meeting at the door. I knew it!
  18. I think I'm as dorky as @Avalon. Watching reruns of My Three Sons and lusting after Robbie Douglas https://www.google.com/search?q=robbie+douglas+my+three+sons&client=safari&channel=iphone_bm&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiUzPW_gOHdAhXEGjQIHYNmAtQQ_AUIESgB&biw=320&bih=460#imgrc=HgCi9jCtHf6QpM:
  19. As a ginger, do you find it strange to have sex with another ginger? I once tried it but felt like I was kissing myself. Been thinking about giving it another try
  20. I did not know this either. Hard to pick a favorite but will say Rhode Island if hard pressed.
  21. Don't be ridiculous Avalon. I don't even want to estimate the number. I have lived a sex induced life
  22. This is appalling. You would think the police had better things to do than entrap people on rentmen. What a colossal waste of resources that should be used to fight violent crime
  23. Yes Avalon. I buy scented candles. Always with a wooden wick. Vanilla Cedarwood is my favorite scent from Wood Lighta candles
  24. https://rentmen.eu/Rogerpolanc Any one know this handsome man visiting dc? Any info would be helpful
  25. No it's a Columbia dish. Not horse meat. Just cook a steak and put eggs over easy over the steak. Not sure why they call it Caballo
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