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Posts posted by Jostar

  1. All I know is I tried to reach out to him a couple months ago. I thought we were having good communication - following all the typically known “rules,” and being up front about dates and times (you know all the stuff pros say they want), while also trying to keep it warm. Suddenly sent me a message that said I’d made him uncomfortable and felt a meeting would be a bad idea, and as soon as he sent that message, he blocked me. It really was pretty silly, I thought, but I’m glad he saved me from wasting any more time. And, I hate to think I did anything untoward. Of course, it’s hard to know where anyone is coming from or where their mind is when they respond like that or what influences (of a variety of sorts) they might be under. Nevertheless, it was a surprising and disappointing reaction.


    Edit: I want to add he was not necessarily rude, but it was very abrupt and felt premature. C’est la vie!

    Had the same experience with him. He went on a crazy rant on me and block me. Either way am glad i didn't saw him with been a waste money and time

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