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Posts posted by RealNowhereman

  1. His ad debuted last January but still has no reviews.  Started off with four pics and is now down to two.  No phone number is listed. In spite of what I consider to be red flags, I set up an appointment with him.  We exchanged numerous text messages which were positive in tone. Then, thirty minutes before we were to meet, he sends me a text message..."Hey sorry. Something came up and can't make it."  I followed up a day later to reschedule and he blocked me. Proceed with caution if you wish.

  2. I have met with him both before and after his name change (Logan_D...NYCFitJock).  For the past four weeks, I have contacted him by phone and RM Message but have received no reply despite multiple attempts.  This is unusual as he has always been responsive in the past.

    Does anyone have any info about him? 

  3. Long time forum reader...first time poster.


    Having hired many times over the past two years, I had something occur recently that I do know what to make of (since its never happened to me before).


    Recently, at the conclusion of a first time meeting with a NYC escort, I gave him the envelope with his donation and he took it out and proceeded to count it right in front of me. I felt insulted by such behavior. Am I off base?


    What do you think?

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