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Everything posted by Mydavid

  1. That's really a long time, since I was able to ejaculate, I never stopped getting off for longer than 6 days.
  2. When I was young, I had a morning wood every day, but now, only a few times per month. In my whole life, I only have 3 wet dreams, my last one was at least 20 years ago.
  3. https://www.boyfriendtv.com/videos/554166/muscledads-massage--rawfuck-a-twink-pt1/ https://www.boyfriendtv.com/videos/554164/muscledads-massage--rawfuck-a-twink-pt2/
  4. If you are single, have you ever had a threesome with gay couple friends? How did it happen?
  5. We have some gay couple friends. We did travel, have parties or do something else together. I have the desire, but we are too shy or prudent to make an orgy happen. Have you ever swung? If so, how do you ask or imply you want it without risk of embarrassment?
  6. The escorts I met always seemed to enjoy it, but I doubt it since I am not attractive at all. I am happy that they pretended, or I would be disappointed.
  7. I always sleep naked. When I get up, I don't put on underwear but pyjamas. I put on my underwear only when I go out. Since I stay at home most of time during the pandemic, I often don't wear underwear for a few days in row.
  8. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000480595998.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.7f2d472265lTGI&algo_pvid=e3e8d7e3-6077-4f20-a312-caac05784f42&algo_expid=e3e8d7e3-6077-4f20-a312-caac05784f42-0&btsid=0bb0622c16003519960284946e241d&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ Does it work well?
  9. I only paid upfront twice. Both sessions were cut much shorter than we planned, and I didn't want to argue but left, never repeat.
  10. I once met an escort whose profile said "into kissing", but he refused when I tried to kiss him and said he only kissed his bf.
  11. Maybe @muscmtl is the author of the book and use his own pic for the book cover. At least, the author name steve beeferman is simlar to his facebook profile steve.musclebeef \.
  12. @muscmtl Your pic was stolen. https://www.amazon.com/Typhoid-Mary-McBeefy-Steve-Beeferman-ebook/dp/B072YYM951
  13. We went to our family doctor and she asked us to take a blood test. She told us everything was fine so far.
  14. We do feel tired, we get up later than before, but you know, we have much more free time than before, it is not easy to resist the temptation when lying in bed together. We do enjoy it, but even eating too much is harmful to health, so we are worried.
  15. Could you please send me some links? Many thanks.
  16. I wish it was my case too, but you know, I urinate less volume but more frequently.
  17. A few years already, but we have been too horny since the pandemic.
  18. During this pandemic, it is annoying to have little to do. While staying at home, my boyfriend and I have had too much sex, once every day or more(1 or 2 times a week before). We are both in 50s, not strong, and we do feel a liitle change on our bodies, such as urinary frequency. The pandemic situation is getting better, but we seem to get addicted and cannot control our sex desire. What should we do? Is there a way to keep healthy with too much sex(food, medicine, excercise)?
  19. https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/shaving-my-pubic-hair-28947751
  20. https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/i-shaved-my-pubic-hair-43900341
  21. $50 for extra, I can get a full service.
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