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Everything posted by Arbimuscle

  1. Personally, I think the SA website is a scam. I tried 1month, and said later. On a second personal note, most of the guys, are not worth financial support. Bunch of skinny, messed up looking freaks.
  2. It is very sad. But all too familiar and common. Speaking in all seriousness, as someone who has been through addiction. The anachronism for YET is your eligible to. Just remember, anytime you say that you can't become that. Remember yet
  3. Escorts pay the majority of the bills at rentmen. That's why bad reviews get rejected. I would also guess, that premium members of Rentman, probably are more likely to get the reviews published, than someone that's not paying to be a member.
  4. OK, this guy is a wet dream
  5. No disrespect. But, I don't see anything in that guy.
  6. Thanks big, I sent an email to that email. Really want to see Ashton. I know that he is not for everyone. But, he is my type of man. Will see what happens.
  7. Is planet jockboys gone? Sent them an email, and received the following back: Diagnostic information for administrators: Generating server: MBX084-W1-CA-1.exch084.serverpod.net jockboys@planetjockboys.com mta1015.biz.mail.bf1.yahoo.com Remote Server returned '554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a planetjockboys.com account (jockboys@planetjockboys.com) [0] - mta1015.biz.mail.bf1.yahoo.com' Original message headers:
  8. Finbar, he does look interesting, any luck?
  9. Glee, when he was coming through Arkansas. I asked about a face photo. He gave me some b.s. story, about being blackmailed, so, he said he didn't send out.
  10. Yes, had a great time. But, he was not very interactive. Was wondering, since he has been in the business for a while. If he was being interactive.
  11. Any info on this guy? https://rentmen.com/Tdesrosier
  12. I used to frequent Orleans on a monthly basis, before Katrina. I love New Orleans. I love the food, I love the entertainment. Before Katrina, there used to be good dancers at oz, and the pub. I have heard things have changed. Not for the better. I've been to Mardi Gras and Southern decadence. The one gripe I always heard from dancers, and a lot of them were available for privates. Was that too many people were partying drinking and doing drugs. And not paying attention to them. I think, that's part of the problem with New Orleans. These people go there to eat drink and be merry. And I think, that gets in the way of the escort scene.
  13. Guess I am glad that I am getting older. The need for sex, is just not that big a deal. A good porn to jackoff to, is pretty satisfying. Sad, but true. And I would rather buy toys, than a boy toy. Just my two cents.
  14. Damn, I hope he asked for shoes! Alot of people in Arkansas, go barefoot. Lol! My two cents on SA, I think it depends, where u are located. I live in Arkansas, it's worthless here.
  15. Yeah, and Ashton the red headed guy. Man, brings back some wet dreams.
  16. Love Dino, I here ya. Rocky was always a favorite of mine. He was advertising for a while on rentboy, back in the day. My biggest regret that I never hired him.
  17. I will say this also, when you look at the two pics that are not professional, and those that are professional. You realize how much they airbrushed s***
  18. What a fucked up world.
  19. Ladoug, I will stick with anyone. Because, if you u deny that u are capable of doing something, u are setting yourself up. Anyone, under the right circumstances, is capable of making the wrong decision. Be it drugs, alcohol, sex, murder, lie cheat or steal. It is human weakness. I will not debate the issue of a higher power. That is truly a personal decision. But man, is inherently flawed, it's in us all to make mistakes. We just have to realize, that we all are capable. And God only knows that I have continued to make mistakes. I am a flawed human being, who is inherently weak. I just have to realize, that I am eligible to make mistakes. I cannot deny that fact. I just have to try not to. But, sometimes my 5th grade education fails me. I still to this day, pay for my addiction. I just hope it has made me a better person. I just firmly believe that if u stop denying that u are yet to do something. That it will help you make better decisions. Because we are ALL capable of making the wrong decision. I just hope that this helps someone else. Damn, I am getting deep.
  20. 5th grade education fails me all the time
  21. And sorry folks, it's late, I was trying to say "acronym"
  22. Hopefully, that makes more sense. It's just the one thing from rehab, that has stuck with me for 20 years. It keeps me grounded. I know, that in anything I do, good or bad, that I am eligible for the consequences. So, I try not to judge people, because I know that given the right circumstances, I could do the same thing.
  23. Yet: you're eligible too. Basically, anyone who says that they cannot become addicted, is a fool. Anytime anyone says well they've yet to do something like that. Do an 8-ball, drink a bottle of vodka, whatever! Anyone is capable of falling into the trap of addiction, especially when u deny that u are capable of it.
  24. Speaking from personal experience on addiction. The one thing that still hits home to this day, the anachronism for yet: you're eligible to. The one thing that is a given, the minute you say that you would never do something, you're setting yourself up to do it. So don't judge other people because you don't want people judging you
  25. OK, the pervert in me has to know. Does his hair get in the way, when he is sucking cock?
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