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Posts posted by MassageDrew

  1. I only go for massages where massuer will work nude. For me, any cloth touching me during a massage is like caulk on a blackboard -- beyond that, of course I enjoy any flesh to flesh contact - be it touching, rubbing or poking!


    I too, as someone else said, often have my head to the side so I can appreciate the visual -- especially when he is near or touching my head --


    HE always for me - often for him -- with a few regular masseurs I know that the last massage of the day gets the load as he want to keep his energy charged for all sessions.


    I'm going to have to try that next time. Just have my head to the side.

  2. My favorite sound is that of the masseur taking off this underwear half way through the massage.


    My regular guy actually allows me to take it off for him, before I lay down. He was even showing off his new underwear which looks more like a thong. I'm not a fan of those. I told him it looks nice but my I was thinking burn those :D


    Johnny D lives in Chicago as well if he's the same person I'm thinking



    I am waiting for my review to post but in the mean time this guy has it all. He is ripped, hung, passionate and the pictures are really him. He does not get hired very often which seems crazy. If you are in Chicago this escort should be a part of your regular monthly budget. Watch his videos at AmericanMuscleHunks.com because what you see is what you will get.


    Whoa! That's some veiny chest

  4. I'm not sure if I have high testosterone levels, but I'm horny most of the time. I'm in my early 40s, work out regularly, and take a lot of supplements and vitamins. I also only eat unprocessed vegetables, fruit, and fish. Not sure if that has anything to do with how much I can cum in one day, but I do feel pretty energized most of the day. Seeing a hot guy walk by will instantly flip the switch with me. At the most, I could jerk off 5X/day, and I've definitely done it when I was incredibly bored. Of course, the load would be less and thinner each time. On average, once a day or every other day is more my routine.


    I agree with being horny all the time. I feel like I get even more horny as I aged. I thought it's supposed to slow down or something.

  5. Don't masturbate for a couple of days... And then watch porn and edge yourself for a couple of hours.... Keep stopping though and don't go over the point of no return.... Your balls will be so blue that they will be hurting and begging you to milk them... When you finally do cum, it will be so intense and so much that you will collapse with pure ecstasy!!!


    I made a mistake of edging when I woke up in the morning. I didn't finish and my balls were so painful while at work. I had to run to the bathroom and release at lunch time LOL

  6. Congrats. I have a couple of friends that are twins. I'd probably have a hard time if one wasn't gay. He and I are very good friends. But his straight twin brother was very "interactive" when we were growing up.

  7. Not sure if it's an age thing but it may be more about preference. It's probably like dating. You go out with someone you like and you're very attentive and engaged with your date. You get setup on a date with someone that's not your type and you can't wait for it to end. I think that's why some masseurs are more interactive and some not based on their interest with their clients.

  8. Let me preface this by saying that I am a christian and I have lived as a gay man for awhile now and I keep going back and forth with it. I do know though that God has a better life for than what I am living now....and I know each of you have at least tried leaving homosexuality


    First, there is no mention of anyone judging him...that was his own fear he had no idea how anyone would react..and plenty of people outside of Christianity would say there is something wrong with Christianity, homosexuality was in the DSM for many years as sexual disorder and we are not stopping to think of why maybe it was in there in the first place and why was it taken out? The bible does say very plainly that homosexuality is a sin it would be pretty tough to mess that up.


    It is very true that Christianity in large part has been rather ambivalent in it's relationship with the homosexual community, some denominations will say its ok, others would condemn you to hell on the spot...neither of which are correct. I do know that Christ would have a better way for all of us to live (homosexual or not) better way to do relationships, and a better way overall to do life..lesson #1 to learn is that life is not about you...


    Trust me, I know all about Catholicism. I'm a Filipino. Can't get anymore Catholic than that. That's why I question all the Bible's teaching and everything about the religion. Is there a God? Possibly. There maybe a higher being that created it all.

  9. It is truly a sad story for our community. But as progressive as the US is (or that's what most would like to think) we're still judged others' belief in the bible. They fear what they cannot understand. If it's not within their idea of the norm then it must be immoral. I feel bad for Hernandez to gave to resort to suicide and I fear for his lover as well. The holier-than-thou community will crucify him for it. It is bad enough for regular people to deal with this. I can only imagine how bad it is whrn you're in the spotlight.

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