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Everything posted by AdamSmith

  1. Let's do The Shunned House instead. The Rats in the Walls? My ex-hubby was an interior architect & interior designer & decorator (quite talented, but alas developed eventually into rather a dreadful human being, just this side of a shoggoth). I had thought of writing an HPL memorium to him: The Unrenovated!
  2. Although the absolutely best paper was given by one Barton St. Armand of Brown, in my view far the highest of all the fairly considerable intellectual firepower that had, by then, at last been turned toward HPL's oeuvre. https://vivo.brown.edu/display/bstarman
  3. And of course presiding over all was the dean of HPL scholars, S.T. Joshi. Whose magesterial biography is a towering work. https://www.amazon.com/H-P-Lovecraft-S-T-Joshi/dp/0940884887 http://stjoshi.org/
  4. At that same 1990 centennial conference one had the pleasure of sitting at a downtown Providence cafe with four or so other attendees, one of whom was Gahan Wilson. Warm and unassuming in person, chatting about several graphical and prose projects he had underway at the time. And AHA! On the second night of the 3-day event, at a Providence movie house, was the world premiere of...!!! IMDB mistakenly gives the release date as 1989. But it was actually there at that conference in August 1990.
  5. YES!!! The Color Out of Space, you know.
  6. The follow-on 'NecronomiCons' culminated by Bob Price's infamous Cthulhu Prayer Breakfast!
  7. One has of course laid hand with love on this thing, and was there on the occasion of its commissioning. An academic conference hosted by Brown University whose star point was the presence of a greatly aged but still very lively Frank Belnap Long giving in-person reminiscences of HPL.
  9. http://site.pelgranepress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/HP-Lovecraft-DeathDay.jpg
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