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Everything posted by ditcali

  1. Nantucket has an off season population of 10,000 that jumps to 50,000 on season. Although Memorial Day is the beginning of "on season," it really picks up the week of July 4th. The same holds true for the Vineyard (15,000 year round to 100,000 for summer). Best bet would be to see if someone in Provincetown would go down for a night -- but that would require a 1 hour drive to Hyannis, and then an 1.5 hour ferry ride. Or they could fly down -- PVC to ACK. Boston had Pride this weekend so some may go out to P-Town for the rest of the week. Good luck.
  2. AHA!! I knew I had seen him elsewhere. Thanks!
  3. I haven't seen the old SC models for a long time. I just noticed Simon. He looks really familiar outside of the SC world. https://www.seancody.com/tour/model/121/simon/
  4. @azdr0710 and @honcho - funny thing is I did a search in the Gallery and both of the guys are in there
  5. @honcho - or even link to a Tumblr picture that doesn't state the guy's name?
  6. Thanks @azdr0710. I kind of figured that is how it would end up, but its nice to see that someone else thinks the same way. Now, off to draft emails.
  7. I'm not really sure where I should post this question. There are a couple of models on Instagram that I am wondering if people have met with on the DL. I don't want to post their names/links, just in case they are models only. I didn't know if there was a better forum to ask the question. Thanks in advance.
  8. Caylan Hughes. Stunning. https://www.instagram.com/p/BYoewhqFBdo/?hl=en&taken-by=caylanhughes (not sure how to delete the IMG below)
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