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Good Grief

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Everything posted by Good Grief

  1. http://bulk2.destructoid.com/ul/226826-about-the-art-debate-please-shut-the-f-k-up/penis-art-ba-5-620x.jpg Add me to the museum. I will NOT videoconference. All my primary communication has been through email. It worked 18 months ago. We soon transitioned to text before the first of 10 meetings. Sucksessful.
  2. Not EVEN searching that site on my browser.. http://media1.break.com/dnet/media/498/743/2743498/just-stay-away-from-escalators.gif
  3. http://media.giphy.com/media/tFIr4M42jgCVG/giphy.gif
  4. Boys... https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-jessiejaymes-rm-in-nyc.127194/
  5. http://www.worldatlas.com/img/locator/country/botswana-locator-map.jpg
  6. I have a meeting tomorrow with an especially aggravating client. She and I are the same age - 58. Could be the max for either one of us.
  7. Donation in BITCOIN please. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-WQywC3uy2HM/TlKAV0_7tGI/AAAAAAAAH5o/5rOrk-Ry_sY/s1600/05.jpg
  8. Just a mere question: Why are your singular posts in red, in italics, in bold and larger fonts? The message can come across easily without the theatrics. Just sayin'. Or not.
  9. Wonder if he's checked into a sponsorship? http://www.ilovetogossip.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/k-y-products.jpg
  10. http://theroyalhalf.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Spacey-Yay.gif
  11. Not really. Yesterday, today or tomorrow.
  12. Okay. Love ya! http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-oDZBYuY0B4M/TZ48vWUr71I/AAAAAAAAAO8/FWaUoDBEJ9U/s1600/tumblr_lhg9xzorOz1qd1240o1_500.gif
  13. Can provide Insta accounts. You can ask em...
  14. Don't be bitchy. Can't find an appropriately postable ass-eating gif. My favorite gif provider... http://heteronomy.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/dean-castiel.gif
  15. Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester - one of my favorite gif go-tos for posting. http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/6400000/Dean-Winchester-dean-winchester-6436762-828-1200.jpg http://orig11.deviantart.net/b190/f/2016/078/8/e/no_returns___dean_winchester_x_reader___by_tonystarks_girl-d9vptxu.jpg http://healthyceleb.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Jensen-Ackles-shirtless-body.jpg
  16. 191 posts to determine that him ass is or/ is not accepting... Sheesh
  17. Seems you're lucky. Even after trying meth...but why would you?
  18. Good Grief. Ask @Yeison
  19. This'll, no doubt, be confusing again... https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-chris-harding.126230/
  20. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/jayco-from-houston-not-recommended.116142/ Earlier thread. Don't let the dog eat your homework.
  21. Not difficult using the text-modification options here when you post.
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