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Good Grief

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Everything posted by Good Grief

  1. https://rentmen.com/BiJockAdam
  2. A bit of a John Stamos look.
  3. You're probably right. The 36 listed RM reviews show @RexB and maybe a couple other Forum members. Possibly could up that surety to 100%. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/does-anyone-have-the-411-on-cristian.123663/#post-1269948
  4. Arrived home today from the latest weekend. Damn fine in so many aspects.
  5. You didn't delete, dear.... Work on it.
  6. https://rentmen.com/Ace I thought this fellow is the legendary Ace???
  7. Link is incomplete...
  8. Again, a fax machine of sorts.. Facsimile.
  9. Having the eighth multiple-night weekend very soon after a little over a year of first getting together. A no-longer-advertising fellow. My best escort experience(s.)
  10. http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2015-03/17/22/enhanced/webdr07/anigif_enhanced-buzz-12833-1426647088-9.gif
  11. Leave me out of this @MileHigh amd @LoveNDino, Y'all fuck on your own. With each other or the otherwise.
  12. No more from me regarding this. Thanks.
  13. Do they inform us, we hirers, that the pics ARE SOMEWHAT what they look like? Or that a knock on my door will be SIMILAR to the ad?
  14. Yes...if the guy behind the curtain looks similar or better than the advertisement then, YAY! On this Forum we've always felt free to out and chastise the ogre behind the door for his using false photos. For the life of me I don't see the difference in one LIAR or the other LIAR. Yes @azdr0710 Good Grief
  15. Tell me, how can you excuse a LIAR?? I fucking don't get it. Sorry.
  16. Okie, dokie. I still and will forever see it as lying in advertising. Not truth. IMO. If I order a product and receive something of the same or similar "type" but its not what I was expecting, I send it back. Nuff said (on my part.) Thanks.
  17. http://www.lovethispic.com/uploaded_images/157520-Love-Is-In-The-Air.gif
  18. Glad it was a good experience @Anergize. Just seems that recently there've been a lot of instances where the pictured guy is not the one behind the door or curtain. http://dannymiller.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341cca7b53ef01157023ea61970b-500wi
  19. Not jealous at all. Though thanks. 'preciate it. Y'all have fun. I'll move on to another thread.
  20. Would y'all mind switching to Conversation?
  21. I do. The history of the terms "fag" and "faggot" has always been derogatory and used in the worst manner toward gay folk. The folks in the UK did (maybe not so much now) refer to cigarettes as fags, "let's fire up a fag." Somewhat like, in past history, homosexuals were used as kindling to burn the "witches."
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