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Everything posted by pitman

  1. His RM membership is expired, and he was last on the site in February. If he ever reactivates I may have to make an excursion to Charleston. I've heard its a beautiful city. Would definitely want to visit on a very hot and humid summer day, take Bennett on a long walk, then retire to a room without air conditioning. https://rentmen.eu/BennettAnthonyx#chat
  2. When I google "Daddy's Reviews" the first thing that comes up is yelp reviews for Daddy's Barbershop in San Francisco, followed by several other businesses with "Daddy" in their name. Nothing in the first three pages pointing to Bill's site. So I guess it depends where you are when you do the search.
  3. Anyone have experience with this guy? https://rentmen.eu/Javier_Gold
  4. Where is the nearest LSD Church? Sign me up!
  5. Anyone met this sexy guy? He's got a lot of positive reviews in the last 4 months. My only reservation is his age, since I usually prefer guys who are at least 30. https://rentmen.eu/Persian_PrinceXL
  6. He's new to RM and, other than not listing Kissing, he pretty much pushes all my buttons. Anyone have any first hand knowledge? https://rentmen.eu/ZaddyZick
  7. He's in San Francisco now. Anyone with more recent experience with him?
  8. I also saw it. Turned out to be much better than I expected. Recommended.
  9. Daddy provided a great service to all of us thru his dedication and perseverance in maintaining these sites. I’m sure it was often a thankless job and there were probably times when he felt like chucking it all. We are all beneficiaries of the fact that he worked tirelessly to keep these sites going for as long as he possibly could. I hope that his work here gave him a sense of satisfaction and comfort as he struggled with his health issues and the challenges of coping with the pandemic. Well done Daddy! I will forever be indebted to you for your service to the community of users of these sites.
  10. Its very appealing to neckrophiliacs.
  11. Now that this thread has veered off into a discussion of Navage perhaps it should be moved to the Fetish forum.
  12. pitman


  13. Cats. I've never been a big fan of musicals, but after that one I refused to see another musical for ten years. And I love felines.
  14. I was also in that study. Sometime in the '80s I was asked for permission to test my blood that was drawn in 1979. I consented and it confirmed that I was negative in 1979. I'm 99% certain that I seroconverted in 1982 but that was not confirmed until several years later. I had only minor symptoms for the first few years and none since going on HAART.
  15. It will be available on HBO Max starting on Feb 18.
  16. The Cloris Awards were established to recognize outstanding theatre in her hometown. Cloris Leachman got her start in Des Moines and never forgot her hometown https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/2021/01/27/cloris-leachman-dead-got-her-start-des-moines/4284932001/?utm_source=desmoinesregister-Daily%20Briefing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily_briefing&utm_term=hero
  17. Its good to finally have an honest evaluation of the Reagan years. While he was in office the media utterly failed to cover what was actually going on, as documented by Mark Hertsgaard in his book, 'ON BENDED KNEE, The Press and the Reagan Presidency': "Hertsgaard presents a history and an indictment of the relations between the major news media and the Reagan Administration. He shows how the press, both through government manipulation and through voluntary self-censorship, abdicated its responsibility to report what was really going on in the Reagan Administration." https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/on-bended-knee-the-press-and-the-reagan-presidency_mark-hertsgaard/440543/item/181666/?mkwid=%7cdc&pcrid=448915190769&pkw=&pmt=&slid=&plc=&pgrid=104754618896&ptaid=pla-926048762119&gclid=CjwKCAiA6aSABhApEiwA6Cbm_8jFWmsuOAZRO2cozvQC58VburbPp7fmIvZnNJTE4-mdsJX6FsuoUBoCMzsQAvD_BwE#idiq=181666&edition=1020851
  18. I also really liked SOUND OF METAL, esp the use of sound effects to convey what the loss of his hearing meant for the drummer. And a great performance by super sexy Riz Ahmed.
  19. Has he always claimed to be from "the great state of" Texas?
  20. Ari Melber! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ari_Melber#/media/File:Ari_Melber.png
  21. Great thread! More please!
  22. Adam Avery is back after a two year absence. Have never met him, but if I were in Vancouver I know who I would be contacting. https://rentmen.eu/adamavery
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