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  1. Hi Y'all! (Read in a Texas woman's drawl) I'm sure you're all tired of me sticking my nose in every thread, but I just can't HELP myself!!! (Back to normal voice...) I am absolutely sure that doing due diligence as everyone here has suggested is the first and foremost way of avoiding duds, and it is absolutely true that duds happen from time to time no matter what you do or how perfect your method is. Allow me to share an analogy. You meet a hot guy in a bar that gives you a stiffie just looking at him. You chat for a bit and dance, decide to go out for coffee chat for hours, get home, rip each other's clothes off and get down to business... Boring, stale and flat. Neither of you can believe it, but it just didn't work. This happens. Rarely, but it happens. It might be entirely possible that the escort was a smooth hand at generating interest and skilled at recruiting (which is the easy bit really), but when it came down to doing the work, he may have been burnt out, having a bad day or just zoning out, had smoked a hit of reefer, the list goes on and on. I've worked with escorts that were burnt out hardcore, but somehow they still managed to communicate with what seemed to be genuine interest in the client, but observing them as they were writing or talking told me it was all smoke and mirrors. Then, seeing them in action, while they were able to be seen by the client they were animated, but as soon as they weren't being perceived, boop! Zone out! Eerie as hell really. And then a couple years later it happened to me. Remembering that zoned out escort prompted me to take a vacation, and after, to take a 6 month break. Best thing I ever did. Ultimately, as an adittional layer of strategy to avoid duds after doing due diligence, I like to to say in the initial contact: "More than anything, what gets me randy as all F@&k is eagerness and enthusiasm is that ok?" Feel free to put your personal twist on the first bit, but always say "Is that ok?" It immediately confronts the issue in a polite way, and puts the ball in their court. It seems to give those who don't like to be present and engage pause and since it's directly contrary to how they work, they'll find a way to get out of it. If they continue to set up the appointment, then you have a specific reference to call them out on it when it happens. And the best bit, if you say this to a genuinely engaged escort, you get an eager and enthusiastic boy ready to please! Win-Win and umm... Win!! Hope this helps, Master Max P.S. As far as kissing, here's my best method. Gaze into the eyes of the person you want to kiss. Softly stoke their hair and then placing your hand on the back of their head, with the barest amount of pressure pull them towards you, tilt your head to the right (always right people...) let yourself break eye contact for the first time to sight your target, and make the landing with a chaste brushing of the lips for a half second and then slowly ratchet up the intensity of pressure. Open your lips and allow them to do the same. Share a breath for a second or two and only then, slip your tongue in. Moan so that the vibrations travel along the tongues, and from here, go as intense and as long as you like. When the kiss breaks, lean into their neck and breathe deeply... Wait. I'm not writing a porno here, just describing the perfect kiss. *blush*. I may not be a huge fan of kissing, but this method always worked for me!
  2. Hi Lab12, This is indeed a provocative question, but I applaud the cojones it takes to ask it. Hoo boy. How to answer that without admitting racial bias is still prevalent in the country I love when so many of my ancestors died defending this very issue in the civil war. I have served my country to defend our freedoms and liberties, so I take ANY sort of oppression very seriously and quite to heart. Truth is, I can't. It saddens me deeply that some escorts or clients would judge based on race, but I also acknowledge that there are some that simply have no desire to do anything sexual with an ethnicity or culture that isn't their own preference. And as an escort and client, I have to respect those preferences whether it truly is just a sexual preference (fine) or based on out of date ideas that some races are superior to others (not fine). At the same time (and allow me to express this as a HYPOTHETICAL scenario), if I only liked black men in bed, that doesn't mean I disrespect anyone who is not black or am racist against white people. My biggest pet peeve is when people that express this type of sexual preference and get slammed for being racist, it makes absolutely no sense to me. It's like saying I disrespect women and am a misogynist just because I don't want to sleep with one. Ridiculous really.... I'll stop there since it is very easy to get me riled up on this subject. A wise man knows when he's made his point and realizes further arguing will only deepen the divisiveness on such a sensitive topic. To answer your question more directly, in my experience, it is just easier emotionally to get the stats presented and out of the way, that way at least there won't be the lead up to a very disappointing and hurtful rejection based on nothing more than a person having a deep chocolate tan or having a snow white complexion. Better to be told no, I don't take black people as clients since if they're that offended by the concept of bi racial "mingling", chances are I or you want nothing to do with the racist bastards anyway. Sorry racist people, I just don't like you! I respect your beliefs, but I am G8DDA%$NED if I'm going let you think I agree with you after nearly getting killed defending those same freedoms that you take so lightly. *Whew* That felt good. I normally don't take such a one sided view of things, but in this, I MUST. Sorry if it makes other people feel uncomfortable, but I can do no less. Bring the FLAMES! Love and Light to ALL races, genders, religious affiliations, sexualities, and just plain weirdo's with nothing but peace and love in their hearts. Hateful people of ALL races, genders, religious affiliations, sexualities and whatnot can kiss my ass. Master Max
  3. I'm not a fan of kissing as it can be TOO intimate and generate impressions of attachment that you would rather avoid. Trust me, when a client gets TOO bonded and says "I think I love you", it just makes me put my head in my hands and go "Oh SHIT"... However, having said that, I have no problem with kissing if the client is well aware that this is a service, not a romance and it really gets them going sexually, and in that case, an awesome lip lock can help a great deal in getting my dick hard. That's just how i view it all, but I also know that kissing releases a massive amount of Oxytocin in the brain which is the key for all mammals in bonding rituals. In fact, many cases of postpartum depression where the mother doesn't bond to her baby has been shown to be due to a lack of oxytocin in her system. The ability of a cute baby to melt our hearts is the same response as a good kiss from someone we're attracted to, it's just one has more of an effect on our sense of empathy and the other makes us randy. So, having a good kiss to facilitate bonding is scientifically the best way to produce that effect, but it can also be done via conversation and getting to know one another, it just takes a bit longer. Just because I find kissing to be a bit too intimate doesn't mean everyone else has to agree. Hope this helps even if it's a weird response. I know.. I know... I'm a NERD and I hope I haven't killed the mystery by explaining the underlying science, but the OP did ask!! Love and Light, Master Max
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