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Everything posted by Wrestler

  1. Price-ier pecs http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-vj5o2JlyuCw/TjRFWOXhukI/AAAAAAACBvA/3DEOcqw7kMQ/s1600/william_price_7.jpg
  2. Price-y pecs http://www.burbujasdeseo.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/William-Price-Hot-Sexy-Muscle-013.jpg
  3. I don't doubt that he's fluent. I was just trying to have a little fun with the irony of saying that right after butchering an English phrase. I can see myself doing the same thing. All in fun
  4. I am so with you, Matt. Great pic. Great butt.
  5. Just some comic relief...my favorite part of jacob's bio is this: ...but I really enjoy turning what mores EXCITE YOU into reality. I speak English and Spanish fluently. How do YOU define "fluently?"
  6. You are correct. Guess I'm into aerola more
  7. You might have already seen these in the "slabs of abs" thread but here, for your possibly repetitive viewing pleasure, are some wild-ass nips: http://i.ebayimg.com/images/a/(KGrHqUOKiME5eO-FJWLBOj584FfBw~~/s-l500.jpg http://muscleinspiration.com/gallery/2011/12/muscleinspiration-111222-1217-05.jpeg
  8. Ass-side up...butt http://queermenow.net/blog/wp-content/gallery/cameronmatthew/MatthewCameron003.jpg
  9. Fun with furry pecs http://sexopicxxx.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/matthew-cameron-gay-porn.jpg
  10. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-JPvKqtk7tn8/UEaQgRE8EmI/AAAAAAAAU7c/B-b0rwidFHY/s1600/john-williams-06.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-XUdv9t3H7E8/U8Kb_6ytmJI/AAAAAAAArRg/KaMbJztvtvs/s1600/04-John+Williams+%E2%80%A2+Rugby+League+Player.png
  11. For me, it's not the leather. But those pecs, I could really sink my teeth into
  12. I sure get it. That's why we have these great guys to stare at.
  13. Bare-ly covered...butt http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1ds3sxRnK1qarksao1_500.jpg
  14. Ohl bubble...butt http://musclestats.com/gallery/albums/2008UPLOADS/2008uploads306/Josh_Ohl_1025.jpg
  15. Sacked out Ohl...butt http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rsJDFFVZrL0/UlpQ51_ylNI/AAAAAAAAIsk/rLdOULRMpUk/s640/Josh+Ohl.44.jpg There is a god.
  16. Operating heavy machinery...butt He can operate my heavy machinery whenever he likes.
  17. Hands up against the wall, where I can see your...butt http://fringefamily.typepad.com/.a/6a0105364a8fba970c0168ec1a8fa6970c-800wi http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SrXB_cwPTQ0/VQ-laf4cL_I/AAAAAAAAS0M/JSHreANhxSM/s1600/jakub_stefano5.jpg
  18. When do we get to see "MattR" pecs?
  19. I love staring at Jon Micklow. Such a beauty.
  20. He is the whole package. Might have to post some pics of him in the "great asses" thread too. And the "big dicks" thread. And the " low-hangers" thread.
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