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Posts posted by Capitano

  1. Looks like he is back in NYC, and I am going there soon, so I was wondering if anyone has some recent experience to share ;-) ... PM me if you prefer.


    Thinking about seeing one of the reliable favorites (Brad, Anthony, or Troy) and trying a new masseur, with Eli, Ethan, and this guy being prime candidates.

  2. I will be back in London soon, so I was wondering if anyone has any experience with these guys:





    I was there recently, #3 never got back to me (maybe he was out of town/country?) and #1 was very cordial but was leaving town the following day, so we couldn't schedule anything.


    In addition, I tried contacting


    but it was simply impossible to communicate via text because of his very poor English and response times that varied between 1 minute and 12 hours.

    I also tried to get in touch with


    but you get connected to his stupid agency (tantricsoul or whatever) that tries to push all kinds of crap on you without connecting you with the guy, so I eventually told them to stop texting me. Apparently, and unfortunately, many of the guys on RM are with them, so it's a hassle to weed them out.


    I am determined to get a massage this time, so I am keeping this guy as an option as well, he seems to have positive reviews here, has anyone seen him recently and is he still far up north?



    Needless to say, any other recommendations are welcome and appreciated!

  3. He is hot and friendly, and these are the only pluses. Massages you on his bed, uses some kind of skin cream (not the best, you end up feeling sticky), and has basic massage skills, so the therapeutic part is amateurish.


    He is ready to be interactive for extra $ but his basic rate is on the high end already so it's just not worth it. What really killed it for me, though, was that even though I agreed to splurge on his highest rate for 90 minutes, he still tried to upsell to a 4-hand massage for 1 hour, saying he couldn't do 90 minutes because "it was late." Why the fuck agree to it via text just hours before then? And I didn't like the feeling of his partner being somewhere in the apartment. The upside ended up being that I said no and we switched to 60 minutes, which saved me money.


    Nice guy, but way too much focus on revenue maximization without enough delivered in return. The more I try different masseurs, the more I think that these traveling guys are best avoided, UNLESS you get a clear sense on this site that the experience is really worth it.

  4. A good looking Spaniard with decent English but no massage skills or even serious attempt at massage. Travels with an older boyfriend who left the room as I was entering, and I saw him again in the lobby as I was leaving, which felt awkward. The session was way too escorty for my taste so I rushed to end it earlier. I guess many are ok with an underdelivery on the massage side if it's overcompensated on the sensual side but that's not my case, so I didn't complain and I simply left on friendly terms. A no repeat for me for sure.


    PS. Please don't PM for details, I've said everything I wanna say above.

  5. Going to NYC soon as well and he was on my shortlist, bummer :-(


    I hate to raise this prospect, but this could be another Trump effect. I suspect some of the foreign masseurs are here on tourist or even "overstayed" visas and are feeling the pressure, better leave on your own terms than risk being deported. I notice also that Miller in Chicago has not logged on to his rentmasseur profile since Feb 22, he was on my list of masseurs to try too. Of course, masseurs drop out once in a while for all kinds of reasons but things could be accelerating now?

  6. To me, his pix suggest fun & friendly personality, nothing more. His rate is also strictly in line with therapeutic, in contrast to many guys out there who charge (way) more and post suggestive shirtless pix, and then you find out that the massage sucks and you don't get anything else, not even decent human communication.

  7. His rate is another indicator it's purely therapeutic, I respect that. But the issue then is with the stupid categories on masseurfinder, guys like that should be channeled to the therapeutic side and there should be no shirtless photos, those may set the expectation that one may see more in person. The only useful info you get on that site is the phone number, everything else is up in the air and you are forced to guess.

  8. I am partial because he is SO my type, plus we totally hit it off conversation and vibe-wise. I went to his place, the massage was surprisingly decent given that he does it on a bed, but the best part was the interaction. He gets naked and it's like hanging out with a buddy, I will for sure look for a chance to revisit when in NYC. Not the best therapeutic experience but overall still worth it in my books. Slight advantage Brad, though, because he is a better masseur and does it on a table, with the added bonus of a slightly lower price. But if you lean toward sensual and relaxing Troy is your man.

  9. Damn jealous of you guys with the fat wallets. Hope it's all that it's billed as!


    I hear you, I am doing fine now but it was a long & slow climb, and I still don't consider myself "all that" financially. I get between one and three massages a month, trying to mix 50-50% familiar good masseurs and new guys. I have to admit that I am fortunate that the number is not limited by money considerations (of course, given the prevailing prices and the "natural" frequency of my urges), but there is always something else that limits you, time, travel, choice of masseurs that are available where and when you'd like your massage, etc. Having said that, I am a big fan of doing it fewer times but then doing it well: get a 90 minute massage instead of 60 and get it from a masseur that really gets you going, even if this means skipping another massage. Better one really good than two that are "meh" or two good ones instead of 3 that are not that fulfilling.


    Phillip is definitely on my to-try list, but this guy gets my curiosity and imagination going just as much, and when there is a tie, of course, I'd prefer to save a $100 or so, or splurge on a super-nice tip: https://www.massagem4m.com/masseur/18079/


    Ultimately, whether you are concerned about wasting money, time, or both, this site is awesome, it's all about maximizing the likelihood of a good experience (or what you really want) and avoiding a bad or "meh" experience. Nothing like an informed and competitive market, Phillip is definitely in the running but NYC has a tempting set of masseurs to try, we'll see...


    PS On a side and completely irrelevant note, and this is something that was pointed to me by a close friend some time ago, I have surprisingly few clothes and pairs of shoes. I tend to get stuff that I really like even if it costs more, but then I really wear it. Don't buy expensive shoes or jackets and then let them sit in your closet, wear them to death ASAP, and then move to another exciting set. You'll actually save money AND look great AND have more fun, my life philosophy :).

  10. Talked to him before, after attempting to call for like a few times in separate days, and he finally picked it up. He gave me the vibe that he doesn't care about losing one or two potential customers as he sounded sleepy throughout the entire conversation. In the end didn't hire him, just something weird bugged me....


    I think the preferred mode of getting in touch is to send a text message, and if you feel you need to talk, you can ask him to call you and/or ask when would be a good time to call him. I remember sending a text to a masseur only to receive an avalanche of calls which I couldn't take and found incredibly rude. Why would he assume he could call? l am down to taking calls from known callers only, if I can, and all others can leave a message or text. I would expect masseurs working on 60-90 minute appointments to behave similarly.

  11. Is he a CMT and does he do glutes and hip flexors?

    I can have a top notch professional but regular massage in Chicago, on the next block, in a nice facility, for $80 an hour.

    There are several hot, mostly straight, masseurs that do nude massage at $100 an hour, with touching (some one way, some two way, some the other way) allowed but I am not into it because they are not into it.

    $120 and above, we are usually talking no hangups and often super-hot guys, so what you are describing I wouldn't go for even at $100.

    I do understand if this dude is your type and you just want to hang out with him, but I suspect he cannot get 4 massages a day with this value proposition. Next time in NYC, I'd much rather see Troy, Brad, or Carson, or try from a ton of other offerings... but hey, different folks...

  12. I hate to be the skeptic here. Yes, very hot guy if you are into that type, but $150 per hour seems way overpriced from what I am reading. And $80 for thirty minutes seems downright obnoxious to me, although it's a free world, if it's posted I am sure there will be customers. But I'll pass next time in the area.


    At $150-160 per hour, which in most cases for me turns into $200-240 for 90 minutes, I expect either (1) someone who is ready to be interactive and the opposite of uptight while giving a decent massage (but this is not really my type so I basically endure, minimizing the interactive part and never go back), or (2) CMT quality massage from a cool guy not afraid to tackle my glutes and hip flexors and/or get naked if the chemistry is right (this is my favorite). I don't always expect or want interaction, but straight guys with hang-ups that are careful to preclude it by carefully setting their boundaries upfront, such as not getting naked or, even worse, those "finish yourself" Russians are a big turnoff. And almost all of them avoid glutes and hip flexors, by miles. I am simply not going to pay that money and have these dudes act like they are doing me a favor, sorry.


    Finally, if someone is an aspiring model, why don't they make their money modeling? But then, it's a big world out there, there could be plenty of sugar daddies eager to sponsor a museum piece. I am afraid that even that setup is not particularly sustainable, though...

  13. Chill, nice, and articulate guy, massages in the nude and very interactive. Massage mediocre but otherwise very pleasant experience. Hot bod, I especially like the hairy look. But a little too soft spoken for my taste, was expecting a more manly demeanor & sound base on the pix. So that combined with the high price and slightly subpar massage skills is why I wouldn't repeat.

  14. After looking at the pics again, I too get a straight vibe, which in most cases can lead to major disappointment.


    The pricing seems to suggest the same, the vibe I get is "I can't really charge $160 for what I offer so let's try $125, hoping that many won't have the right change or will simply be embarrassed to leave anything other than $140." Maybe he should list $124.99?

  15. A side note on the pricing. And he is not alone, many masseurs price their services in ways that most economists and managers would find curious.


    His first 30 minutes are $80, the second 30 minutes are $40, but then the following 30 minutes are $60. Shouldn't the price for additional chunks of time go down or at least stay flat, which is the case for his outcalls? I mean, once you incur the one time cost of setting up the appointment, receiving the client, etc. any additional time should go straight to the bottom line. The only reason why the third chunk of time should be more expensive is if he gets tired or if he does some things that he doesn't do otherwise, but then this chunk of time should be relatively more expensive in his outcalls too? Questions, questions,...

  16. Hmmm, another "traveler" now "based" in SF, and aspiring to make in an hour what an average person earns for a full day of work, but based on what exactly?


    PS I have a chiropractor's office next door where I can get top notch professional therapeutic massage for $80 an hour. Granted, Chicago is cheaper than SF or NYC but it's still a good baseline to consider.

  17. so who are these "second" group of therapists that appreciate the male body and are open to play? Cause I agree with your post...and have been disappointed by a 160 massage that is neither sensual nor a massage - just a chance to see a naked sexy man, which I can do elsewhere.


    Oh, they are tough to find but I praised some on this thread:




    So who was your big disappointment? I have many I could mention in this category :-(

  18. Many Russian masseurs are hot/athletic, straight, and pretty smart dudes who like the money they can make this way. Being smart and strong allows them to become very good masseurs pretty quickly. Being hot is a great hook in the lucrative m4m market, especially if one is comfortable being naked, which most (not all!) of these guys are. Many will even allow the client to touch them but a big no-no is them touching a dude in certain areas, I guess this crosses their line. Some will even invite the client to "finish himself" in the end, which I find demeaning and offensive, but to them this is the definition of the "sensual" massage, as more would turn it into "erotic" I guess.


    I actually don't want a HE from a dude who doesn't really want to do it or if it turns out I am not into him. That's why I never negotiate anything sensual upfront, I prefer to leave that to the chemistry and whatever happens - happens. But the massage itself is really important to me, and what typically frustrates me about these guys is their reluctance to deal with my glutes and hip flexors, which are really important to me. I guess they are too nervous about going there, because it might send a "wrong message" about what to expect later. Over time, I have learned to expect this and hence avoid Russians and Eastern Europeans who charge $100 an hour.


    At $150-$160, which typically takes me to over $200 for 90 minutes, you get three kinds. One is very playful and sensual but lack in massage skills. The second are truly competent masseurs who actually like and appreciate the male body and are open to some play in the end. And the third are just frauds, which is one of the reasons this forum is so valuable!

  19. No experience with Rob, but this sounds like a strictly therapeutic massage, and his rate is a little high for that. This is a perfect example of how all these ads have become so uninformative since the Rentboy arrests.


    I agree, suggestive pix and $160 an hour might signal a real hot, relaxed, and competent masseur (the best of all worlds for many), but it could also be a straight dude or a gay diva who just wants to make a lot of "easy" money. I've encountered an equal number of all 3 of these categories. I actually do not WANT any sensuality if it is forced or "part of the deal" and would be fine with just a great massage from a hot guy, it's a total turnoff when he is noticeably tense during the whole thing because he feels like he has to deliver something in the end, or I might try to initiate something. Which I don't, I just can't wait for such massage to end and get the hell out of there.


    Having said that, I am going to NYC soon and would love more info on this masseur's story.

  20. Have seen him a couple of times - suburb of Indy, Greenwood. He's on masseurfinder - very hot, he just may become my new habit.


    He's been my habit for a while now, whenever I get a chance. And I may go out of my way to create that chance :-). Chicago has a ton of masseurs but Indy holds a real treasure.

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