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Everything posted by harey

  1. The RM approach to review management seems pretty haphazard. I’m not sure they are automatically removing bad reviews, even from featured providers. Jesse Jaymes has a 1-star review on RM, and that little scammer is hugely popular. I take RM reviews with a grain of salt. There is some benefit though in looking for positive patterns such as repeat meetings and consistent dates.
  2. Thanks for the link. I may start calling myself a "hobbyist", but not sure I'd refer to my regulars as "nice boys". They could all break me into little pieces. "Fine fighters" would be closer to the mark. I've never requested a boyfriend experience, for fear of letting down my guard and being manipulated. BFE is mentioned on the forum often, though, so I avert my eyes and pretend to ignore it - like the crazy homeless man on my way to work. Reading this thread made me realize I've had several boyfriend experiences with escorts that happened spontaneously without using the term. With one provider in particular this seems to always happen. I may ask that fine fighter if it's just his normal M.O. or a choice he made for me.
  3. IDK, there might be some truth behind it. James may have enough regulars to make that work. A different escort told me recently he was getting 15 client inquiries daily. I could see that becoming difficult to manage with back-and-forth texts, client vetting, scheduling, etc. And another guy I see just stopped advertising. He may be fine with established clients and word of mouth.
  4. I think the OP has enough problems without turning to drugs.
  5. Sorry to hear that. Heard good things about him.
  6. Same. He’s a decent looking fella and might be quite nice.
  7. You're welcome. There is a post about searching in the Tech forum, link below. PM me if that doesn't work. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/searching-the-reviews.77841/
  8. https://daddysreviews.com/cruise/2018-06-06/dillon_la
  9. Dude. Daddy should revoke your lordship for that question.
  10. Agreed. And your review makes him even more tempting.
  11. Well, you do look like John Cena.
  12. Haven't met him but noticed a few months ago. He looks great but straight. Best to confirm limits first if you decide to meet. His RM reviews are scant, only four over a two-year period, and one is negative. One of the positive reviews looks fishy, because the client profile was pretty new and stopped logging in after the review was posted. At first glance, I saw nothing verifiable online: not here or the review site, and nothing on Google for photos or phone. I'd proceed with caution. Don't send any money in advance or pay up front, and meet someplace where you can walk away if needed. On a positive note, he offers FaceTime to verify if you're serious.
  13. Did he tell you that directly? He quoted me 300, although I wasn’t specific about activities.
  14. Hi @MichaelN, try using the Search box to find previous posts about an escort. I found something at the following link. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-southernpleasure.136866/
  15. Jurassic boy here, and happy I took typing class (and home economics). I still use two spaces when typing, although I stopped indenting the first line of a paragraph decades ago.
  16. Monies = instances of money "We have paid good money to bribe the corrupt officials of this town. We have paid good money in many villages and towns. Of all the corrupt monies we have paid, this one is the best."
  17. Looks like a Teddy bear. But the profile name is unfortunate.
  18. The OP didn’t say he was being “forced” into barebacking. There was concern about the provider’s status because he performs raw. As others have stated, if the OP plays safe there is less risk. But that’s true of every encounter, and you can never be certain about another’s status. I say, wrap it up and go for it.
  19. harey

    Rob Cohen

    Good luck. I can see why you want to find him.
  20. Serious question: are there dick-flavored condoms?
  21. harey

    411 on MainlyLA

    Ah...romance. -Trampling -Humiliation -Water Sports -Roly Play -Fantasies -Cashdrain -FIN DOM -Toys -Etc.
  22. harey

    Rob Cohen

    Hes been discussed extensively in the past. =30']Search results
  23. harey


    I think that’s just his foreskin.
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