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Everything posted by harey

  1. Your post/premise assumes COVID-19 is a singular event with a clear end date in the foreseeable future, and it won’t recirculate. marry me...
  2. And both of them list PNP. Stay classy, people.
  3. I hate to be a downer but...any concerns about catching COVID-19?
  4. Recommended. Extremely nice, thoughtful guy. He can really fight if you want more than pretend wrestling , so be clear about your expectations.
  5. I was planning a vacation to New York (before the pandemic). As part of my trip planning, I checked NYC providers in case I wanted fun during my visit. Many of the NY providers have common elements in their profile names. Something-boy and something-XXL seem to be common. I’ve shopped around in New York but didn’t notice this before. Has anyone else noticed this pattern? ?
  6. I have also been in contact with the same member, had the same concerns, and decided to pass. Feel free to pm me if you take the plunge and have a good experience.
  7. harey


    Same. I wonder if he gets light-headed, poor kid.
  8. Bump. Has anyone met this young man? Feel free to send me a private message. Thanks.
  9. Perhaps English isn’t his first language (or second). Sometimes I let the boys know about their typos. Try it and maybe you’ll get a discount. ?
  10. Interesting. I’m not a fan of messenger on RM and will just keep texting outside the site. I wonder if that would limit clients who leave reviews, if the RM admin wants to see proof of onsite interaction before allowing reviews to be submitted.
  11. I think he was using the same pics a couple years ago. No idea about his current physique.
  12. Met him once a couple of years ago and wouldn’t repeat. Clock watcher and on his phone.
  13. Communication issues + high maintenance vibe = automatic pass
  14. harey

    Tim Kruger

    Is he a bit short in person?
  15. Excellent points. I was thinking the same. They also added Video Call functionality, as if I want the RM admins to know what I look like and have live video.
  16. I noticed RM recently added instant messaging to the contact options. Has anyone found this useful?
  17. Oh damn. THAT’S where I left my watch. Yeah, I’d confirm the face pic first.
  18. Nice analysis and consistent with my experience. Thanks for sharing.
  19. On a serious note, as a Gay man I would ask that you broaden your view of Gay men. We are so much more than our eye brows. Besides, with all the metrosexual grooming trends the last 20 years, eyebrows are not a clear indicator of anything.
  20. It’s true! Because of modern science, even my wife doesn’t suspect I’m as queer as a two-dollar bill. Thank you, Caverject!!
  21. For what it’s worth, TigerToby’s client, DonkeyDoug, offered a positive review on RM. Waiting to hear from PeacockPeter and AnacondaAndy.
  22. harey


    What a cutie. I totally want to spank him then buy him presents. There are multiple threads that popped up for this guy today. Could Daddy @Guy Fawkes or a moderator merge them?
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