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Chad Constantine

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Everything posted by Chad Constantine

  1. I am assuming by your handle you deadlift. Do you use any special sneakers to help support with lifting weights?
  2. Yes it sounds so simple but it is actually an extremely admirable quality that I happen to envy.
  3. Yes essence of all coaching comes down to helping those in need grow to their fullest potential whether that be academic or physical
  4. Hmm that is really funny because he said he wanted wanted me smooth. I am sure he loves all shapes and sizes but I wonder if he likes his tops to be big, hairy, burly types and his bottoms to be hairless, tight, and thick types :D:D. I will have to ask him when he returns.
  5. Oh wow that is understandable because if your giving all control of your actions to your coach then you will not have any unnecessary thought that will lead you to being paralyzed by inertia..
  6. I would say he definitely does not have a problem with Bears since some of his reviewers describe themself/ves as Bears. If your in Chicago you should definitely try him out if you find him appealing in any way.
  7. Yea because the other way could be a recipe for disaster.
  8. That is great to hear. I already learned the hard way that at this point I need to see someone because I am not at that stage yet to go it alone. Plus, I do not really know anything about fitness or bodybuilding so always feel like a child wandering around a store. Hopefully, in a couple of years I can attain that level.
  9. What is the difference between a fitness coach and a personal trainer? How did you find him? Does that mean your apart of an athletic team?
  10. Utopia! so far away:(. I guess I am going to have to put in the effort to go uptown.
  11. Besides posting on here I don’t really have a need/want to talk about it. Why don’t you just talk to people about it like you just hooked up with someone. If you want to talk about how much you spent then you could always say that was the price of the date: meal, car service, flowers, etc... There are always ways to talk around a subject just look at most of our politicians:D:D:D:D.
  12. Wait Jerry left EMS I guess I no longer have a reason to go there. Does anyone have any idea where he went?
  13. Your seeing things from being close to a shooting star.
  14. I just want to sincerely thank everyone who has and hopefully will continue providing their recommendations.
  15. :eek:Goblet Squats you are amazing. Then I definitely need to get some bands . Are there any other websites that you know/trust like GMB & Atheleanx that show different stretches/exercises to do at the gym when your not seeing your trainer?
  16. Do you remember what the name of the article was or what magazine you were reading it from? Are there any sites or magazines you would recommend that I view?
  17. . Since you have multiple outfits do you use different brands? Would you know a couple of sneaker brand/style that wont screw up ones feet and gives the most support? Also since you brought up hernias and wearing underwear what would be the best style to wear to prevent hernias?
  18. Do you happen to use resistance bands for your cardio or any of your other workouts? I was wondering if I should get some as well. At this point me neither but at least it will keep you junk cool and fresh. I guess it also has the added benefit of easy access :D.
  19. Are compression shorts the same thing as tights? Do they help support your back when doing your leg workouts with/without weights? Since you wear different items on different days do you also wear different foot wear?
  20. Running shorts are those the short shorts/boxer looking pants?
  21. I was actually contemplating wearing a jock because these under amour suck. I am always having to adjust my nuts because they keep sticking to my leg.
  22. Oh no I don’t care about the look. I already just wear a regular t-shirt and basketball shorts. Never thought to try freeballing it. I’ll have to try it one day and see how it goes. But when I go to modell’s/Dicks they have all these leggings and other underwear that thought I may need for fall/winter.
  23. Hey Guys, I was hoping to get some recommendations for athletic wear since I just stated going to the gym. Especially what underwear is best for working out.
  24. I am not hooking any wires or batteries up to my junk. Mr. @BabyBoomer suggested that as well so I am looking for a Doc right now.
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