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Everything posted by tennisjock

  1. He looks fun and energetic
  2. He now says he is 42 which is more in line with actual age
  3. I see he has a new ad up as well so beware as the person shown in the pics will not be the one answering the door
  4. He reminds me of a young vin marco but not as hung
  5. I always felt if i saw him he would ruin my hole in a perfect way and then i get addicted to him plowing me for hours at a time
  6. I have made it a practice to screen shot a providers phone number and their ad in the event they freeze their ad or it expires etc and majority of them will still meet esp with regulars etc, i do the same with rentmen ads as some guys are only on for a month or so then expired etc but the ads still show up just as deactivate or frozen and no way to contact them
  7. I have found it a guy is on a personal trip or is sick or his real job keeps him busy they don’t respond during that timeframe . Have u left him text messages?
  8. If you send him a message via Rm a automatic reply comes back leading you to his of page like so many on the Rm site nowadays they entice you with their pics etc to subscribe to their pages
  9. Well with these two it’s on the menu just depends on how much you have to spend .. so many other choices of decent hot guys on here why even bother?
  10. Theranine acct has been deactivated on rentmasseur
  11. He also has another Rm acct that has a few different pics and shows that acct being a few years old. i found his ad under West Hollywood search section
  12. Sure wish he came back to Los Angeles to at least visit. He was a lot of fun and super nice
  13. Run don’t walk run far far away and save yr money
  14. Maybe if he was using the 7.5 as girth?
  15. First ad gone and second ad was deleted. So bet they will resurface with new monikers but same ole pics
  16. Have had several encounters as stated above and stand by my statements. Literally 100s to choose from in LA region rather than this poser/ fraud
  17. He reminds me of vin Marco but vin is sporting a good 9 inch plus and Uber thic rock hard 🍆
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