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Everything posted by MartyB

  1. I don't believe an 18 year boy should be escorting I don't care if anyone on this board hires him Too late for Rentmen to refuse an 18 year old boy's ad & neither would I reach out to them and ask them to remove the ad. I am not trying to disrupt his escort career. I raised the issue when the original OP posted the ad. Clearly my questioning will not impact his career choice at all judging by what I'm reading here I am not imposing my moral judgement on anyone just questioning the concept of paying an 18 year old boy to have sex. Isn't that a valid issue to raise on this forum? I never stated he should go back to school. Beaten this topic to death. Moving on guys.
  2. The questions I asked of course apply to an escort of any age. If you dislike my tone and feels that its a moral judgement on those clients who would pay and have sex with an 18 year old sorry to offend. I am clearly in the minority here on this on this board. Let's move on shall we.
  3. I am leaving him alone. Why does he read this board? Am I offending his sensibilities? Come on give me a break here.
  4. This is not righteousness or dictating what anyone does on this board with escorts. However, I have an opinion that to hire an 18 year old boy for sex is questionable. He does PNP which means he does drugs. Does he do in calls? If he lives in NYC how's he paying the rent? Is he sharing the space? I would be weary of entrapment. Plus if he's doing drugs then safety would also be an issue. But guys do what you want...
  5. You can spin this any way you wish. He is of legal age is your argument? What 18 year old has the kind of experience and where with all to make such a decision? I don't care if the individual is mature or smart and has a clear understanding I would never feel comfortable engaging an 18 year old boy for sex. All clients including myself have a desire to meet with escorts based on our own individual tastes. An 18 year old boy is off limits.
  6. He's above that line..that's all u think this is? He's a kid!
  7. Is this really about what one likes? Or doing ones's thing? No lines drawn at all?
  8. This pic and man never grow old!
  9. I will not have oral sex with an escort wearing a condom. That's not going to happen. Call me stupid, ignorant, slut but it ain't gonna happen. Also I never pay up front or send a deposit to an escort. I have been seeing escorts for quite some time now and this has never arisen with a request to wear a condom or he wear a condom while giving and receiving oral sex. Cheers
  10. How could I not include my buddy Drake Masters:
  11. If I was travelling to London the three men I would see that would be a must: Lawrence of London Rugbymuscle JayRyder. I can't think of any guys better than these and you can diversify with these guys. Been with all of them and they are elite world class and wow what a hot time. Only thing they tend to travel so I would reach out and see if they are there. Sorry for not posting links no time for that right now.
  12. SNL with Paul Simon on the Thanksgiving Episode and the Kate & Alley show.
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