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Everything posted by Chidude

  1. To answer your question @marylander1940, YES!! It's just another polite (and awesome) way of saying hello to a good friend!!
  2. Thanks for the wonderful storytelling and review, @pocono!! Glad you rode the Swinging Richards train and...got off!! Hehe
  3. Vintage, clean-shaven Stu Reardon....nicely done, @TruthBTold!!!!
  4. The consensus though is that Johnsons won't be All-Nude and won't have VIP lapdance rooms, right? Just a regular bar with gogos?
  5. @Chad Constantine that ass is positively heavenly!!!!
  6. OMG https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1379471752118484
  7. Omg I can't stop!! :confused: http://www.underwearexpert.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Todd-Sanfield-4204bw.png
  8. http://www.blakemag.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Todd-Sanfield-271.jpg
  9. http://attheloft.typepad.com/.a/6a00e54ecca8b98833015393a4695b970b-650wi http://attheloft.typepad.com/.a/6a00e54ecca8b988330162fcf9cd76970d-pi
  10. Todd Sanfield, one of my all-time favorite models
  11. http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/86/2d/56/862d561d187a8dd49655662d69bc5a25.jpg
  12. I know that Tawan Bar in Bangkok is known for its muscle gods. I went there once and the boys were hot, huge, muscular and horny. Anyone want to form a search party for this super stud? :-) http://www.tawanbarbangkok.com/
  13. Mmmm they all look lovely, but Gustav has got me positively VERKLEMPT!!!! :eek:
  14. Holy shit @LoveNDino!! You just blew my fucking mind!!! Where was that video from?! We MUST go there!!!! :):)
  15. That's weird. Where did Matt Colunga's posts go?!
  16. Oh man!! My all time favorite ginger, Seth Fornea is apparently a last minute headliner for the LA Nude party tonight. Aaaargh!! I'm so bummed I am out of town and will be missing the delicious debauchery. Any guys here attending tonight's LA party? I want the full blow by blow!! :D
  17. Damnit!! I will be out of town and the uber sexy James from Denver will elude me once again. Some day soon I will get my...hands on him!!
  18. Chidude

    Ryan Steel

    For the record, Ryan Steel is probably my best hire experience ever. He is strikingly handsome and actually very friendly, engaged and intelligent. The thing that sets him apart from the rest of the pack is that he seems genuinely into it and is fun/interactive during a session. I definitely get what the hype is about, since in Ryan's case it's warranted
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