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Everything posted by crushme99

  1. Well, that sent me to Google. It would be HOT to see some serious muscle flexing from him.
  2. As Grandfather said in "Little Big Man" - "Sometimes the magic works, sometimes it doesn't."
  3. #1.) "whether to date" #2.) "bring to my home" OR #3.) Run away as fast as my legs can carry me.
  4. I've only hired four times, twice with each of two guys. On all four occasions, I chose to be the one to mention that it looked like our allotted time was near its end. The sessions were great and I didn't want them to stop, but I thought it only respectful to acknowledge that I understood there were time limits and that I wouldn't try to abuse that. If I want to be respected as a client, I should try to be respectful of the escort. Both guys were pleasant, enjoyable, packed with muscle, and were just fine with continuing longer than we had planned.
  5. I've only hired four times, twice with each of two guys. I really never asked that specific question, but both were not at all hesitant to share some insights into their motivations and where escorting fit into their "real" lives. My questions were meant as friendly curiosity and I guess they took those questions as intended. I don't see what's wrong with being interested in the person being hired - whether he's a lawyer, a teacher, or an escort. I think showing an interest in who that person is, with no negative labeling, can be a sign of a sincere client. If the person being hired sees it differently, he's free to change the subject.
  6. Can a potential client somehow check to see if he's been blocked by an escort on rent.men?
  7. crushme99

    Las Vegas

    Gymowner, your insights are always welcome!
  8. I second the affirmation by baron artz. Look for "gymowner1" on the Muscle Logbook (Muscle Service) board and do a search for him. You will find a long track record of participation, including much insight about a number of providers. If he is new to this "Deli" message board, I'm sure he will bring good information to us and I say "welcome."
  9. Rightly or wrongly, I backed out of an appointment with Jeremy Walker a few months ago because of his difficulties. Maybe I spook too easily.
  10. If an escort is rather well-known and favorably discussed on a board like this, or rent.men or Daddy's, I would hope I could assume he's not an undercover vice officer. And I know I'm not. So it would seem to me the only real risk to me, as a client, is if the escort is somehow under surveillance or if the outcall hotel is highly attentive to people's coming and going. (I guess that raises the "let's meet downstairs" or "come up to my room" question.) I'd like to think I'm not at much risk. I've hired four times with two different guys, once in Columbus (at The Arnold) and three times in Vegas, all of which went well and focused almost exclusively on muscle worship. But some of this discussion gets me spooked. Nobody is immune from risks, but I would hate to hang it up because I sure do like some muscle now and then.
  11. If an escort is rather well-known and favorably discussed on a board like this, or rent.men or Daddy's, I would hope I could assume he's not an undercover vice officer. And I know I'm not. So it would seem to me the only real risk to me, as a client, is if the escort is somehow under surveillance or if the outcall hotel is highly attentive to people's coming and going. (I guess that raises the "let's meet downstairs" or "come up to my room" question.) I'd like to think I'm not at much risk. I've hired four times with two different guys, once in Columbus (at The Arnold) and three times in Vegas, all of which went well and focused almost exclusively on muscle worship. But some of this discussion gets me spooked. Nobody is immune from risks, but I would hate to hang it up because I sure do like some muscle now and then.
  12. And here I'm planning to be in Vegas in mid-January. Now I'm nervous even to log back in to rent.men.
  13. Any current information or insight concerning CharlieFlex's status and availability?
  14. Looks like he's done some fine work with one of the best, Pat Lee.
  15. crushme99

    Josh Taubes

    < deleted > Sorry, I can't figure out how to delete a thread.
  16. Not sure if this is the place to post this, but here goes. I am having an increasingly impossible time logging on to the chat room at: http://www.ericsgym.com/chat_room/index.htm I used to be able to log in smoothly, but now upon entering a chat room name, it stalls and will not connect. Meanwhile, the Activity Monitor app on my MacBook Pro shows that a process called "http://www.ericsgym.com" is gobbling up over 300% of my CPU, so the fan speeds up to cool things down. This happens in three different browsers - Safari 11.0.2, Chrome 63.0.3239.84, and Firefox 57.0.2. I think it has something to do with Java or that process that is swallowing that 300% of CPU. Help??
  17. 170 lbs? Half of that is in his dick. Whoa.
  18. Inadvertently, yes. Through the course of research or by simply putting 2 and 2 together, an escort's real name can be discovered. On rent.men some don't seem to go to great lengths to conceal it, as Google-able as photos are these days. So during even a first meet-up, what about politely asking "would you mind if I called you Bob?" using the real name. Would that be offensive or out of line? Personally, I would couple that with affirming confidentiality in all other settings.
  19. Anybody have any experiences, insights, or information to share? https://rent.men/AlphaxStudx
  20. rentboy.pro appears to be limited just to CA and AZ, or am I missing something?
  21. Looks very good but (nitpicking) appears older than 24. "Not that there's anything wrong with that."
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