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Everything posted by MasssageGuy

  1. It is simple.... They have to buy sex... Thus they are BuySexual...
  2. Try it you will like it.... No TV = Bliss BTW - I have Comcast Blast Internet. SLA is 75Mbps Down and 10Mbps Up...
  3. Congratulations Not2Rowdy! I originally had so much trepidation about cutting off Cable TV. Now after several months, I can honestly say I don't miss it at all! I don't even watch the local channels on my HD antenna. I use Ooma for my VOIP and Amazon FireTV with Kodi that I "Side Load". Kodi has live TV feeds from CNN, MSNBC, etc. Also can watch Game of Thrones, etc. on Kodi. There is a site that I use that provides instructions on how to "Side Load" Kodi on Fire TV. You can PM me for more information. My ISP is Comcast and I pay for their Boost Internet which is very fast. About $80 per month. Yes, N2R, you will survive and be HAPPIER and SAVE $$$$$.....
  4. Thanks for posting this. I get fresh eggs from my hens daily and this is a great video on how to perfect my scrambled eggs. Don't tell my hens that is what I'm doing to their eggs!
  5. Good report... But is this like a car dealer when you have "list" price versus what is the "negotiated" price... How about adding a column and having clients put in price actually paid....
  6. Quick update on HD Antennas.... Our local Sam's Club has HD Antennas for sale next to the HD TVs. That tells you something. HD Antennas are going mass market and this also signifies that Cord Cutting is now main stream. Two HD Antennas for $60... http://www.samsclub.com/sams/leaf-metro-bundle-hd-antenna/prod13400079.ip
  7. Totally agree that Comcast is ripping folks off. What really upset me was when I returned two cable boxes for rooms that I no longer use. When I asked about the "promotion" they had to lower rates, they said I was not "eligible" for the promotional rate because I was "down grading" my service. I would need to WAIT 9 months before I could take advantage of the promotion. That was the "tipping point" for me. I dropped all their service other than high speed (Blast) Internet. If you add up what you are paying for Cable TV (500 channels of which you watch maybe 5), VOIP Phone, Equipment Rentals, and Internet at $250 per month, that is $3,000 per YEAR!
  8. I also approached cutting the cord to Cable TV with some trepidation. However, it has been WELL WORTH IT! Two years ago I had High Speed Internet, Cable TV Phone Service, HBO, Cinemax, and all the other "premium channels" plus the DVR from Cable company. Monthly bill was around $250. It is now $85 per month. I can use the savings for "sessions" with some of the "therapists" from this site! I would recommend a high speed Internet package that provides 50MBPS in speed. You can get a good cable modem from Costco. Just make sure it is on your Cable TV providers approved list. Setting up is simple. As far as content to stream to all your TVs, I would recommend an Amazon Fire TV Stick. It is relatively cheap. The KEY is to get KODI side-loaded onto the stick. You can essentially watch any TV show in the world or any movie for free. If you are not wanting to try to load KODI yourself (which is a bit of a technical challenge), get on Craigslist and you can buy one that has been loaded for about $70. Here is a Youtube that provides overview on KODI. Hope this helps you in making your decision(s).
  9. I wonder what a Cable foreskin looks like??? There were tons of folks at the Comcast store. An hour wait. Hey, we could have had a bris to celebrate!!! The store should offer spreads featuring Jewish breakfast foods like bagels, lox, etc.
  10. Yep, I did that when I cut the Cable VOIP. Saved $10 per month as you said and purchased Modem from Costco for $80. It works great. The only thing you need to make sure of is that the modem you purchase is on the Cable Company's "approved" list. Then you need to call them and give them MAC Address and Serial Number of Modem and you are good to go....
  11. The Cable Mohel arrived today! My Cable bill will go from $175 per month down to $85 per month. Turned in my remaining two boxes and only have Internet. I use VOIP for home phone. Dropped the cable VOIP several months ago to get rid of their modem. I just noticed that Amazon is now pairing a Digital Antenna with the FireTV and offering a discount when purchased together. I continue to experiment with Kodi and adding the AddOns to access the Torrents that are out there. To be continued!
  12. The digital antenna is AWESOME! Pulls in local channels with great clarity. It is about the size of a place mat. I mounted on wall behind a painting that hangs above the TV. So I now have access to local broadcast channels WITHOUT cable. Now for more exploring on Kodi and the AddOns....
  13. Thanks to all the forum members for their input. Here is the latest update on my cord cutting activity: Decided to try new "digital antenna". Used the following website to determine distance to transmitters. http://www.antennapoint.com. It is about 37 miles. The digital antenna should arrive today from Amazon. AmazonBasics Ultra Thin Indoor HDTV Antenna, 50 Mile Range (Latest Version). Will test reception out to see if worth keeping antenna or not. Successfully downloaded and installed Kodi on an existing Fire TV Stick. Rather involved process, but it worked. Successfully downloaded and installed FireStarter so I could access "side loaded" applications. Added Genesis and AddOn Installer. Continuing to do research on other AddOns. NYClocker, you tag line is spot on! I still have the ability to surprise myself!!! Updates to follow on progress... The scissors are out... Hey, is this like a "cable circumcision"?
  14. No shit, this is a REAL product... PooPourri....
  15. I just ordered a Digital Antenna from Amazon. Checked out a website that provides distance between me and transmitters. I'm about 27 miles from TV transmitters. Amazon sells one that is for picking up signals from 50 miles. I'll see how it works. It looks like a place mat. If it doesn't work, back it goes...
  16. Any pointers on Torrent training videos? I'm thinking of Kodi (AKA XBMC) also. Thanks!
  17. I would be interested in hearing from the august members of this forum how they have have cut the Cable TV cord. My provider (Comcast) won't allow customers to take advantage of newer cheaper rates if they "downgrade". So basically they make it next to impossible to save money by reducing services. I'm tempted to cut out all TV and just go with high speed Internet. How do you access "broadcast" TV via Internet? I don't feel like climbing on the roof to install antenna. Happy New Year! Let's make 2016 the year of cord cutting!
  18. I can't Bear it.... Huge Bear Surprises Crew... Mayhem ensues... The bear "bares" all.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eryxAcsTcOA
  19. The U.S. Pays a Lot More for Top Drugs Than Other Countries http://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2015-drug-prices/ In the U.S., drug companies set their own prices and raise them over time. One of the biggest U.S. buyers of medicine, Medicare, is prohibited from negotiating prices directly with drug companies. Private insurers and benefit managers strike their own rebate deals with drug companies, and details of these contracts are almost never disclosed. Contributing factors: Big Pharma spends Big Bucks on Lobbying!!! Big Pharma spends Big Bucks in "buying" favor of Doctors.. Big Pharma blocks generics and tweaks formulations to extend patents... Crony Capitalism big wheel keeps on turning.... Plus we are only one of two industrial nations that allow Big Pharma to advertise.... http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41uAVGHw2wL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg
  20. Crony Capitalism is rampant that is for sure. The stories we all could tell! I was on a consulting gig a couple of years ago when the first movie of "Horrible Bosses" came out and I LMAO so much. I'm sure others in the theater thought I was very odd. Then again, I am. You need a sense of humor to survive the crazy work environments.
  21. I feel your pain.... And then the programming gets done in India.... And then the coding is error laden..... And then the test cases and use cases were not adequately defined..... And then the acceptance criteria were weak.... And then the contractual disputes begin.... And then Senior Management who sponsored (well managed) project are fired.... And then it starts all over....
  22. I can't believe people would be this stupid. Well, on second thought, they probably watch Fox "News" all day. That will suck your brain cells dry. Thanks (maybe not) for sharing.
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