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Posts posted by quoththeraven

  1. Not being judgmental here and I simply expressing my personal opinions based on personal experiences. Plus, being a retired healthcare professional certainly colors how I approach such types of play.


    The bottom line is that its emphatically not for me. The last time I had something done it was under the supervision of an MD and sterile instruments were utilized along with a sterile lubricant. Unless those parameters are meet I would not go near the thought with even a ten foot pole much less an 8 inch sound. Plus, and perhaps it was the setting and situation under which I experienced the procedure, it does not seem like something from which I personally would derive pleasure. In addition, a friend needs to have it done periodically for medical reasons. He almost was considering throwing in the towel to avoid the procedure.


    In any event, I've seen it done under horrendously filthy conditions. Not a good thing at all. Again, simply an opinion from someone who worked with sterilized instruments all his life.


    Nipple clamps, floggers, and paddles are more my style and again only when used in a responsible fashion.


    So I'll pass on sounding. Yeah, I know! I'm no fun!


    We all know you're plenty of fun, WG!


    I know of at least one porn star who loves sounding (Jessie Colter). Although it's more of a hypothetical for me as a cisfemale, after a painful experience with a cytoscope inserted in my urethra to check out my bladder, my inclination would be to protect my (non-existent) junk from such invasion.


    But to each their own. I know a writer who made sounding seem hot, and she wasn't writing from experience, just from research. Those of you who do not like kinky, intense stories or Dr. John Watson of BBC's Sherlock depicted as not-entirely mentally healthy should not click the link.

  2. Yes, I saw that. But I was speaking to the "sucking up all the rays" concern.


    Let me rephrase. I agree with you. And there were other legitimate concerns expressed in the Snopes article Kurtis Wolfe linked to.


    (Not just you; there have been other times recently when someone didn't recognize I was agreeing with them and expanding on the point they'd made. But it's possible it wasn't clear enough that I agreed with them.)

  3. From the first article posted, it sounds like "sucking up all the energy from the sun" is a clumsy way of expressing concern about glare from the the solar panels and the possible increase in UV radiat'n resulting from that.


    I'm no optics expert, but complaints about glare from neighbors' solar panels are pretty common in some neighborhoods. If anyone wishes to debunk this concern, I'm happy to listen.


    There were other legitimate concerns expressed, as explained in the Snopes article Kurtis Wolfe linked to.

  4. Officer: "Why did you throw that trash out of your car? Didn't you see the sign?"


    Little old [gender-conforming stereotype :cool: ]: "Well, it said 'Fine for littering'!"




    Ah, for the days when "lol" meant "little old lady."


    She has a point, though, whereas public nudity at the golf course is generally frowned upon while golf balls are abundant. Not everything is about one's genitals.


    /dodges tomatoes

  5. Some things never change--


    For more, see this. The person the complaint is addressed to was apparently the original underhanded businessman (name of

    Ea-nasir) and "kept all of his angry letters - hundreds of them - and meticulously filed and preserved them in a dedicated room in his house.

    What kind of guy does that?"

  6. Thanks for such specific directions. The Long Island Rail Road Station is confusing to me, but I only use it to travel to the U.S. Open.


    The LIRR terminal is in fact in Penn Station. It may be a remote area of Penn Station, but it's still Penn Station. The person I went to Penn Station to meet in May came in on the LIRR, and I went to the LIRR waiting room to find her. Of course, by the time I got there, she was in the main concourse by the Amtrak information booth. We exchanged a couple of phone calls (with crowd noise in the background) before I found her.

  7. Now I think Port Authority is worlds improved from what it once was. Many bright shops, few street people except in the less visible upper nooks & crannies where travelers seldom need to go... (All this based on 2010-2011 when I lived nearby and walked through often.)


    I was last in Port Authority in the early aughts, probably, so it well could be much improved. I'm just having a hard time picturing it.

  8. If you had to use NYC Part Authority bus station in the 1960s and 1970s, the current Penn Station is a great place compared to the Port Authority. Late at night I frequently took the bus back to Fort Dix, New Jersey where I was stationed in 1967-68. The bus station in Saigan, Vietnam was safer.


    I haven't been in it for awhile but last time I was there I would have said the same thing about Port Authority.

  9. Thank gosh for that. But you really have to wonder-what were they thinking? I thought maybe the architecture experts of the time might have looked down on its Beaux-Arts Style. But apparently there was a big cry against demolition by many architects even though it wasn't their style. It was apparently driven mainly by money as the upkeep was too expensive.




    Yes. Look at those photos. Beautiful but a bitch to keep up.

  10. One good thing that came out of the demolition of the old Penn Station: it galvanized a lot of people and when Grand Central was similarly threatened with destruction NYC's first landmark building laws were passed. I believe Jackie Kennedy (and maybe Mayor Koch? or was this before him?) was one of the leaders of the effort to save GC.


    Pretty sure this predated Koch, who I thought was mostly useless. He was a cheerleader for the city and that was it.

  11. Where's the homless, all the trash? The stains? The shit smell? Where's all the people and also, where are the armed forces in FULL ARMY CAMO with guns ready to go? Where are the 10 dogs casually walking around sniffing for bombs??? You're right, these pictures are nothing like what's actually happening at Penn station .


    Imnoy talking 1 or 2 military I'm talking 2 dozen in groups of 2 spread all over the inside and outside of penn station.


    If you're feeling suspect or looking suspect be prepaired to be fallowed.


    The military-style police presence with bomb-sniffing dogs is typical of the NYPD response to raised terrorist threat assessments.


    After Paris and San Bernardino, it is only to be expected, especially since there is no screening for train passengers. I am sure the unspoken motto of every NYC mayor since 9/11 has been "never again."

  12. Yes it's DISGUSTING. And a Shanda that it's oft ppls first impression and gleaning your impression of NYC from Penn S is like taking your impression of the state of Michigan from FLINT:eek: EVERYONE agrees the tearing down of the orig was a CRIME. Sadly we didn't have Mrs. Onasis to spearhead saving it as she did when when our amazing Grand Central Station was slated for the wrescking ball :) But it's easy in hindsight to say now HOW couldn't they see the value??? When I was 19 in my first apt an aunt and uncle gave me an old steamer trunk they said use as a table etc. To ME it was some old junky thing and I eventually dragged it out and put it on the curb on W81st St. (it was a Louis Vuitton WITH a little fold down writing desk) We all do dumb shit o_O


    Tearing it down made short-term economic sense. Once an older building has become decrepit, it is cheaper and faster to pull it down and rebuild. Without public pressure and a visionary owner with deep pockets, it would never have been saved. The railroads were already in trouble themselves. To expect both historic stations to be saved is expecting too much.


    Full disclosure: I was in Penn Sation recently (May). I found it dull and confusing to walk around, but not smelly. Only the major areas of Grand Central, which I walked through recently and which has its rundown areas too, are better. The platforms at Penn Station are nicer.

  13. Conversely I was disappointed but not surprised to see, earlier this year, that a little United Church of Christ congregation out in the NC sticks that my mother's forebears had attended just disaffiliated from the UCC itself because of the denomination's liberalism.


    UCC is about as liberal as a denomination gets while remaining theistic and nominally Christian. (Great emphasis on social gospel, almost none on personal salvation. Also, they are the progressive wing of what used to be known as the Congregationalist church, aka the Puritans.) That puts them just to the right of Unitarian Universalists. In fact, UUA and UCC collaborated on a progressive sex ed curriculum that does not advocate abstinence and doesn't demonize same-sex attraction. I know someone from a UUA congregation who's used it, teaching such things as how to put on a condom and consent.

  14. 12299287_10208480285794298_62504561370334121_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=c831ebe80dd0dc480ee76d0812e0899c&oe=56F45612


    I especially like it because the church I grew up in was an American Baptist church. Now it's dually affiliated with a United Church of Christ congregation. It's been a Welcoming, Accepting, and Affirming church (aka LGBT-friendly) since 1998.


    That said, you'd think the church would realize the problem with that sign.

  15. Gardener's Rule of Society.


    The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy.


    Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water....


    True dat!

  16. Wait a darn tootin' second!!! They let wimmen in? What's the fun of that? ( My deepest apologies to the bi-guys on here and to our fair trio of FreshFluff, Tyro, and QTR).




    Duh! Otherwise it would cut half their market. It would also be illegal to keep women out.

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