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Everything posted by ursalex

  1. Happy Birthday, DANE SCOTT! Of course, I alone on this Forum had the pleasure of waking you up on your birthday with a kiss. We won't tall everyone what part(s) of your body got kissed, though.
  2. I am a client spending the weekend with my favorite escort, Dane Scott. For his birthday the present I gave him was Mickey Carpathio. I just watched these two pros having fun. WOW!!!
  3. While spending an overnight with my favorite escort my snoring was so bad he kicked me out of bed and I slept on the sofa. Not so bad, actually, as I frequently did and do sleep on the sofa when alone. I don't snore anymore, though. Got rid of 90 pounds and any complaints about being a noisy bedmate!
  4. I got my license in 1968. My current car is the first I have ever owned with automatic transmission and I miss the stick. (I like other "sticks" was well.)
  5. I'm still waiting for that conversation. Considering I'm 66, my father has been dead for 15 years and my mother for over 40, I don't think it's going to happen. And I grew up long before the Internet. No wonder I was such a late bloomer, although I think I've made up for lost time!
  6. Have a good one. A good what? Day, evening, life?
  7. Nobody mentioned "Big Eden" I think it's a very poignant movie, and there's one scene I watch every time I need a good cry, but the movie is so much more than that -- a fairy tale about love and redemption. I also like "Make the Yuletide Gay." It's somewhat silly, but in a fun way.
  8. Even if your goal is to save your relationship, you should absolutely talk to a divorce lawyer to learn your rights. Frankly, the grounds for divorce, even adultery, rarely have anything to do with the financial disposition. You need to know the laws of your state, and it may temper his position if he learns that he can't really take everything from you. And his refusal to have sex may give you a lot of legal ammunition if you need it. Having spent 40 years practicing family law, I can tell you that same-sex breakups are just as messy as opposite-sex divorces. So know your rights while you are trying to save the relationship.
  9. ursalex

    Best Kisser?

    Dane Scott, no competition.
  10. Dane Scott. Dane Scott. Dane Scott. Simply the best.
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