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Posts posted by Billsboy4

  1. I've had both knees replaced, one in Jan of 2017 and the other Jan of 2018. Because of new technology, where they don't cut muscle, the recovery is much easier. I've had pain for years and now I have none. Recovery was easy and the physical therapy helped alot in the healing process. Knees used to be a difficult recovery, but now it's become much, much easier. As a matter of fact, I did a very difficult climb in Rwanda in Sept and my knees gave me no pain whatsoever.

  2. I met him twice (actually, the second time I didn't remember I met him before, but he remembered me....senior moment). If I had remembered, I wouldn't have rehired. Nice guy, looks like his pics, but felt he was going through the motions and not present. However, as we say.....'mileage may vary.' :)

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