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Everything posted by marylander1940

  1. I didn't know you were a friend of Oprah! 😂
  2. I was inspired by another thread. Let's hear the stories...
  3. I think most gay men want the whole package but settle for a hookup, date, FWB, LTR, or even marriage with whatever they can get... Some are more picky while others are more openminded. I wouldn't be surprised if some guys on here might overlook how effeminate a guy is based on his looks, etc. To each his own.
  4. Me neither... I just want to go from one place to another, that's all. Besides you're not going to eat that cake, just taking a ride while looking at it.
  5. I've learned a lot talking to drivers, I'm not surprised how many of them are immigrants and I'm happy to see them working their asses off trying to reach the American dream. Very few Americans in their free time would lift their butts from the sofa and drive Uber... Handsome? I'm glad for you but I've only had 2 cute Uber drivers out my 101 trips so far. I could use Uber more but I'd rather walk or take Metro.
  6. I only use Uber and I can't imagine a world without such a great idea. I had friends who refused to "upgrade" to an iPhone and they only did it when they found out about Uber/Lyft. Taxi drivers used to be mean, dirty and God knows why entitled to treat others in a mean way. Uber has changed their attitude.
  7. a cowboy costume is very easy to assemble
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