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Everything posted by TruHart1

  1. ________A Rough Night! TruHart1
  2. Russell writes: "Thinking, deep thoughts." TruHart1
  3. To get back to the original thread topic, Jonas Kaufmann has been in Sidney, Australia singing in concert performances of Andrea Chenier by Giordano. Here is a review: https://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/opera/andrea-chenier-moments-of-artistry-and-sheer-vocal-beauty-20190811-p52g0i.html Herr Kaufman has one more concert performance of this opera tomorrow (8/13) as he travels to Melbourne, Australia! I think Grigolo has quite a unique sound, though he sometimes seemed just a bit uncomfortable above the staff (Bb, B, and high C) when he was first tackling some of his major Italian roles. His technique has improved, though, over time, and one hears very few flaws in the voice these days. Grigolo has always had great stage presence, looking handsome and acting well, if of the Italian "tearing up the scenery" school of thespianism! He can be thrilling to watch and hear but is usually playing himself in all of his operatic roles. Jonas K, on the other hand, makes each role his own by creating a complete character with every operatic role he undertakes. Using his astounding vocal technique and his comfortable stage presence (even within some of the really awful stage directors' concepts in which he's been involved!) he always impresses with his completely realized role interpretations, both in acting and singing superbly. TruHart1
  4. I thought rolling the offending live feed clips for Jack to respond to was really great - holding his feet to the fire!!! I hope that in seasons to come, the clueless recruits they pick up in bars for the show see this interview and realize that they will be on camera virtually 24/7! In past seasons, there have been douches and stupid women who were as bad or worse than Jack, but this is the first time one has actually been shown what they said and how they said it! Hopefully, being in the Jury House by himself for a week will give Jack plenty of time to contemplate on how and why he came across as such a douche bag on the show! Yesterday's (Sunday's) show had the "America's Vote" field trip and all three of the chosen "winners" realized that they were voted into the competition by America BECAUSE they were disliked by the American public! Seeing Christie on the block as 3rd nominee was simply delicious! TruHart1
  5. Russell and the Gallerist Richard Diament (his boyfriend now?) have a podcast about Art, with special guests: the podcast has been around since October, 2018! That's around the time the picture below was posted on Russell's Facebook page. https://play.acast.com/s/talkart/http://www.hardsixaudiopodcasts.com/talkart/audio/Talk-Art-Series-1-Episode-1.mp3 Russell talks about his personal art collection and Richard talks about his gallery and the exhibitions shown there! _______________Russell and Richard Diament TruHart1
  6. TruHart1

    NICE guys

    I agree completely about Gianni. He is a gorgeous, sexy, fascinating man! TruHart1
  7. ABSOLUTELY!!! Since my first amazing meating with @VictorPowers, (so far only twice but I hope many, many more times!) I knew Victor was a keeper, someone I am hopeful to hire on a regular basis. If you have the chance, don't fail to see him if you are near him or he visits your city. I guarantee you will not be disappointed! TruHart1
  8. With Jack, there is no way to tell unless he actually gets with Tommy, most likely after they are out of the house! Still, both of the douchebag hotties (Jack AND Jackson!) show an awful lot of affection for and with each other. Whenever Jack wins something, Jackson hops onto him, embracing him with his arms AND legs! Whenever Jackson impresses Jack, Jack invariably gives him a long bear hug! Too bad both of them are f**cking certain women in the house without any real affection and a sense of entitlement to "no strings" relationships, though I think Holly may be in for a big disappointment to find that Jackson only considers her a house fling. When Jack is voted out, may it be soon, hopefully Tommy will still be there, able to concentrate on making it all the way to the end! TruHart1
  9. TruHart1

    NICE guys

    It's good to see Don is back on RentMen. Last time I checked, it appeared he had retired. He definitely qualifies as one of the nicest and most fun guys I have ever hired! TruHart1
  10. This Big Brother cast seems especially clueless when it comes to knowing that the cameras record EVERYTHING! Last week, when someone told Holly that her sexual escapades with Jackson Michi (both in the HOH shower and out!) were streaming on the live feeds, whether the lights were on or off, she nearly broke up with him. When he got upset and agreed with her and said they should go back to just being friends, she freaked out, though! They are back to f**king now, though in more discreet ways, if that's possible!?? As for Tommy, who understands completely how the cameras see all, and his protest to production in the diary room that he wasn't trying to change the conversation (in the TMZ clip above) as an attempt to cover Jack's racist "rice pudding" comment by inserting "slop pudding": Tommy developed a super crush on Jack the very first day in the house and Analyse's description of how extremely well Jack is endowed, has only added fuel to Tommy's obsession. Add to that that Jack has no qualms about letting Tommy cuddle with him, and you have a gay man so in lust that he'll ignore all the faults in the douchebag named Jack!!! TruHart1
  11. Russell will be in a new UK ITV 4-part drama: http://highlighthollywood.com/2019/06/british-leading-man-russell-tovey-cast-in-new-itv-series-flesh-and-blood/ Hopefully, as with “Years and Years,” this drama will be available eventually on HBO or another streaming service! TruHart1 ?
  12. Russell says, "Goodnight" TruHart1
  13. Here's an article about about Russell T. Davies's decision on offing this main character and Russell's reaction when he first found out! http://highlighthollywood.com/2019/07/hbos-years-and-years-initially-had-a-different-plan-for-that-major-death-said-star-russell-tovey/?fbclid=IwAR1lKPgJd8hiyI9wcrDIknhltp2qp8KzH4EYjZYf1D0qyI5k0Yi2lJBQTww The article also states that this mini-series will NOT have a season 2. TruHart1
  14. Thank you for the spoiler alert, @TruthBTold. I had read some comments on the UK sites from posters who were so devastated by episode 4 that they wrote they were through with the series and did not plan on watching the final two episodes! Me though, I'm curious now just how the Lyon family's story will play out. Will the final two episodes lead to a satisfying season finale or not, and what will happen to Viktor? Will there be a season 2 or will this be a one season series? TruHart1
  15. Where is this 21 year old escort who only charges $100/hour? He certainly doesn't advertise on Rentmen!!!:rolleyes: TruHart1
  16. The first weeks in the house are always a mess game wise, because there are so many houseguests and the alliances are still very fluid. I mean right off, we had an alliance of eight people (over half of the house!) which is even now beginning to show cracks! Later on, the REAL game will actually begin, when the people (like Tommy) who know what Big Brother strategy is all about, begin to actively play! TruHart1
  17. Just saw a youtube from Mark about his breakup with Elena: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy8Id1DgJFE:1682 TruHart1
  18. I will certainly be watching Big Brother this week, as racist Jack self-destructs in his HOH-itis! I'm sure he'll end up becoming even more disliked over the next 8 days and after the Camp Comeback twist is over in a few weeks he'll be on the block or backdoored!!! :rolleyes: TruHart1
  19. Actually he is just puckering his lips under his hand. As Lauren Bacall's character in the Bogart/Bacall classic 1944 film 'To Have And Have Not' says, “If you want me, just whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow." TruHart1
  20. Last evening (7/2) was the fourth show of Big Brother 21 broadcast so far. One of the men (a hot-looking man of color!) was eliminated during a competition, but not voted out, the very first night on the first broadcast show on June 25! The first voted eviction will occur tonight. David Alexander, eliminated the first day in the Big Brother house: http://bigbrotheraccess.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Big-Brother-21-Cast-David-Alexander-2.jpg Yes, a few other real hotties: Jack Matthews, a Jason Momoa lookalike, who unfortunately has made enough racist comments in the house to be reprimanded and counselled by production: Jackson Michi, a Southern frat type who's in a bromance with Jack and has already had sex multiple times with Kat, the "dumb blonde" in the house, but brags to his 'friends' that Kat means nothing to him! Even now he seems to be trying to seduce another woman (Holly!) in the house: Then there's Tommy Bracco, a successful, gay Broadway dancer who was co-starring in "Pretty Woman" on Broadway but left the show to go on Big Brother. He's short at 5'4" but so far, in the first two weeks of the game, he seems to be playing the best game in the house: So, we have two HOT douche bag guys and a really cute and savvy pocket gay, who seems to be playing the best big brother social and physical game so far! TruHart1
  21. ______________NEW PROFILE PICTURE: TruHart1
  22. In my youth (back in ancient times!) I sang at weddings and funerals. One of the funeral homes I sang at hired me on a pretty regular basis during the summer, when they knew I was not working at any full-time job between college years. Usually they'd notify me the day before a service of the song or songs the family requested, so I could run by the funeral home and pick up the sheet music and learn and/or practice. This thread reminded me of a rather "creepy?" happening when the family of the deceased requested "Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head" once. Both the funeral director and I thought it unusual to have a popular, contemporary song at the funeral, but apparently the service was for a young man in his 20's who'd been in a fatal automobile accident (I read about it in the obituaries section of our local newspaper.) This funeral home had a permanent chapel set up for services in their cemetery with an A-frame roof two stories above the chapel, open the entire two stories. The organist and singer (that's me) were on the second floor, which had a balcony from which the singer could view the service from over the back of the chapel and sing. I stepped out on the balcony, the organist began the opening chords of the music, and everyone could suddenly hear rain pattering distinctly on the roof (there was not a lot of insulation between the ceiling and the roof, apparently!) and I began to sing. The sound of the rain continued throughout the song but let up when the minister began speaking. I sang many funerals at this particular chapel over the years but this service stuck in my memory because of the circumstances. TruHart1
  23. I won't argue with you @TruthBTold, but that ending to the first episode was a complete surprise to me and something I never dreamed might happen. Therefore, to keep that shock/surprise from being spoiled (at least for me --- thank goodness I had already seen it!) I know a spoiler alert would have been appreciated since I NEVER saw it coming. As for whether Daniel or Viktor (the characters Max and Russell play in the series) are topping or bottoming, I'd speculate that, as the viewer, your imagination is the key to "knowing" that specific detail! ;) TruHart1
  24. I'd much rather hire Jay and experience him intimately than play escort bingo with him and run around following the guy and "accidently" brushing up against him! What I'd enjoy doing with the guy and his impressive recreational equipment and fine ass-ets has absolutely NO accidental element or game-playing involved!!! ;) https://rent.men/JayAlexander/ TruHart1
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