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Posts posted by rguer

  1. The other slightly younger but still muscular with a bulge in his jeans that can't begin to hide the treasures behind that zipper!


    You mean the one on the left? http://a3.img.mobypicture.com/eb9d264df408171fab35f5015cd6478c_large.jpg

  2. 80 ??? In Gay culture, you're pretty much dead when you hit your 50's, so basically this is a film about Necrophilia ????


    You hang out with the wrong crowd. Stay mentally active and adventurous and people will always want to be around you. Maybe not exactly the people you want, but (for me at least) that's never been the case anyway.

  3. He lists Drugs.."Ask Me"! I won't be asking :rolleyes:


    I wonder what that means... Only certain drugs? Only if you initiate it? Such a long list of drugs he doesn't have room to put them all in his profile?


    This dude did do a pretty Hot Video with "Derek Atlas" though..


    And with others as well. But he's recently gotten too big and beefy for my tastes.

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