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Everything posted by tsgarp

  1. Curious, as well. I've seen that ad before and always wondered...I think he's in Los Angeles a lot, too.
  2. Anyone happen to know what became of Devyn? PM is welcome.
  3. Much to admire there.
  4. Two most recent reviews on his expired RM ad suggest that the photos don't match the provider...
  5. Very useful report - thank you for this.
  6. Why would you not share the information? I assumed that's what the board was for.
  7. He was in LA for a stretch...never got to see him but was easy to communicate with.
  8. Blast from the past...curious to hear if he's still in business.
  9. Nothing about this one feels legit.
  10. tsgarp

    Laeth_K in NYC

    Anyone had the pleasure? https://rentmen.eu/Laeth_K Thanks.
  11. Any success with this one, Epigonos?
  12. What a shame. He was one of a kind back in his prime.
  13. He provides a range of services, it appears: https://rentmen.eu/onanyc Yes, there are a few prior threads about him; I recall them being generally positive. While based in LA, he moves around a lot - haven't been able to meet him yet despite efforts.
  14. Those photos look like they cover a solid 10 year period.
  15. He's now KIPPNYC - https://rentmen.eu/KIPPNYC Anyone been down this path yet?
  16. He was nice enough to give me access...everything matches and only makes you want to learn more...
  17. can't wait for a report...
  18. He's engaging on text finally...although not a man of many words! I'm not avail to see him at the moment. Hoping someone else jumps on this grenade...
  19. What's their Monday night show like? Anyone been? Curious to know the setup, as well. Thanks.
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