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Everything posted by dcman

  1. Yeah...let's find these providers. Easy enough play.....one man gets on top the other, deep wet kissing and full body rubbing, I like to add a really nice oil like Nutragena .....slip and slide and feels fantastic. I would think that lots of providers would welcome the easy challenge. Sensuous, sexy and really Safe !! Throw in some good deep oral and voila ..... a good time for all.
  2. There are times when a bottom just does not feel like penetration. Frott is a great sensual alternative with the right man. Any of you have experience with escorts who are particularly good at it ? For those of you who don't quite know what it is.....here ya go. Some gay men, or men who have sex with men (MSM) in general, prefer to engage in frot or other forms of mutual masturbation because they find it more pleasurable or more affectionate than anal sex, to preserve technical virginity, or as safe sex alternatives to anal penetration.[1][10][11][12] This preference has led to some debate in the gay male and MSM community regarding what constitutes "real sex" or the most sensual expression of sexual intimacy. Some frot advocates consider "two genitals coming together by mingling, caressing, sliding" and rubbing to be sex more than other forms of male sexual activity.[
  3. This guy has been advertising for many years and using this same photo. Any of you had a recent experience with him? Thanks. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/10547/
  4. Does this work on a MacBook Pro ? Some people say you don't need anti virus on a MacBook..... Not computer literate here.
  5. Just sucking on those biceps is enough to get me off.....anyone with any experience at all with him? https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/41344/
  6. Just tried but cannot find his RM ad....... Did you see it ? Thanks.
  7. Does anyone know if there is any way to contact rent masseur reviewers, perhaps similar to what we can do with rent men? Thanks.
  8. Well, I might be happy being either one of these guys.......https://www.gayfuror.com/video/best-blowjob-award/
  9. Well, I might be happy being either one of these guys.......https://www.gayfuror.com/video/best-blowjob-award/
  10. dcman

    Dario Owen

    So, a couple of us would really love to know what his rate is if you could share please. Thanks
  11. dcman

    Dario Owen

    I think the man is smoking hot but I have to admit I am intimidated by him too....
  12. dcman

    Dario Owen

    I have spent a great deal of time in Saudi Arabia on business. If you are staying in a business class hotel the religious police don't tend to bother you for much of anything, at least while you are in the hotel. Best to keep any obvious intimacy behind closed doors though. If he is in Riyadh, he has been invited and has a sponsor for his Visa., which is still about the only way to get into the country. My opinion is to play in Dubai instead.
  13. So, has anyone ever actually booked with this guy and if so, how was it ?
  14. So, has anyone ever actually booked with this guy and if so, how was it ?
  15. https://rentmasseur.com/MOCHAMAN His ad has been up for some years but I can't find anything...
  16. dcman

    Dubai rent men

    Good Advice Gymowner I would add that Dubai is mostly all about tourism which is the backbone of their economy. What goes on in public can become an issue, so just be cool about your behavior in public. They could care less about what anyone does behind closed doors except drugs. Under no circumstances should you take or participate in Drugs in the middle east. Just go with the more conservative flow and enjoy the good parts of experience.
  17. dcman

    Dubai rent men

    Not sure why you are saying that. Dubai is a very modern city and there is very little crime. Do you have it confused with another city or did you have a bad experience there?
  18. dcman

    Dubai rent men

    Buyer Beware !!! I have spent no less than 300 days in Dubai/Abu Dhabi/Manama/Doha/Muscat and Riyadh in the past 5 years or so. (but have not been there for more than a year now). The place is full of flakes and guys with pie in the sky expectations. I would bet that at least half of these ads are fakes and a few of the others might be real and actually in the area. They often quote sky high rates but will wind up settling for less than half when you tell them you are not interested. Every once in a while, one of them scores a rich local but those are rare. A lot of Saudi's and Kuwaiti's go to Dubai looking for sex as the penalty for being caught in their home country can be severe. When you get off the plane you will see one of the largest Duty Free Liquor stores in the world for the same reason. If you go there and do decide to score one of the guys who is there waiting for his rich night in shining armor, just be sure you do not give them anything of value up front. Pay AFTER service and don't even think about gift cards. You might just have a fine time but you could score better in the US or UK. PS- If possible, have them come to your hotel, don't go to theirs. Just sayin............
  19. https://rentmasseur.com/JackMackenroth
  20. dcman

    MARKXV NYC - 411

    If you prefer to PM me that is fine too. Thanks
  21. dcman

    MARKXV NYC - 411

    Sorry to be so out of the times but what is MDMA and also what is Tina ?
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