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Everything posted by Moox

  1. Checked with 2 private providers. Over 45, nope. Not licensed for use. I am beyond angry. I am trying to do the right thing by others and no one is budging.
  2. You make a lot of assumptions there. I will reply with more courtesy than you deserve. 1. I know the cost of the vaccination and will save for it. But obviously my immediate concern is about transmission status NOW, not any protection conferred in future by vaccination 2. If I was not serious, I would have taken the nurse's comments at face value and would not be bothering to ask Qs 3. I would rather chat here and become informed before resuming an active sex life 4. I don't want pity. I seek advice to not put others at risk. Maybe you don't care like that 5. I am not very bright? What a 'pitty'
  3. Thanks SirBB for your thoughts. I suppose semen on body, excluding recipient's mouth, *should* be okay - else it would be transmitted by any skin to skin contact like shaking hands or hugging. I know some of you may be shouting FGS JUST SIT IT OUT FOR A BIT! But as said above (without wanting to be going too much all poor me😂) I don't really have much else to look forward to. Don't drink anymore, don't smoke, never done drugs and we all need something to look forward to.
  4. Apparently only available to under 45s. As for the clinic TBH they did not seem too knowledgable but in fairness to them the state of knowledge in the scientific literature is equivocal. Was hoping a sage from here could cut through with a nugget of knowledge 😁
  5. I don't think I can afford the vax, certainly not at the moment, unfortunately. Is transmission possible if my ejaculate comes into contact with someone else's skin, in a non genital area, from MM for example?
  6. Had a call off the clinic, same old. Outside the age range, we can't vaccinate. The NHS can be a joke. If someone asks for PrEP and explain they get it, despite it being more expensive.
  7. Thanks all, it is frustrating that trying to do the right thing gets nowhere with strict NHS/NICE guidelines. The 45 age limit is arbitrary - and the increase in STDs in 40-70yr olds in the UK shows it is also wrongly assuming that people in this age group are not very active. Added to that, people in our age group will not have had it as routine at school. Looks like I had better start saving to get it privately...And get used to 2 years celibacy. 😞 Thanks all for your help and comments.
  8. She said exactly that. I asked when I can be active again, as I don't want to transmit. "As soon as it's gone, you'll be fine." I asked for vaccination but I am outside the age range for which it is given. As for do some research, that is the problem. It is all so conflicting. Yesterday I read both that 2.9% of men will contract HPV causing genital warts AND that the vast majority of people who are sexually active will get a form of it. Some sites say it is highly contagious, others that only 10% are contagious. 2-3 years?? Crikey. I am still not entirely convinced it was one, is it worth paying for a private HPV test?
  9. Ah I should have added, I am in the UK, apologies. Clinic will not book me back in as they say the treatment has been performed.
  10. Hello friends. Last week I had a tiny lesion on the penile skin frozen off. The nurse says it was a wart (though I am wondering if it was a skin tag, I have a tendency for those and they appear in warm areas). I asked her when I can be sexually active again and she said as soon as the wart is gone. But I go to lots of parties and condoms are not that effective against it, I don't think. I am aware that a fair few men at the parties are in other relationships, with all genders. The odd one or two are married to females and not out at all in daily life. I hate the thought of passing it on and wrecking a relationship. How long do I have to wait? Or is that it, game over? The thought of that depresses me greatly. Life is a bit rough and the occasional, once a month or so, partying is the only thing I look forward to. Any advice would gratefully received.
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