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Everything posted by Basstiannn

  1. Talking about someone's physique only speaks of how rotten and empty some participants here are, NO ONE has the right to talk about someone else's body, especially without even showing their face. I understand that you want to debate some points related to personality, interaction, experiences with boys, etc., but about the physique ? And also in a bad way? How miserable.
  2. I find it completely in bad taste, disrespectful, and also very rude that people talk about people's physique or how they look… no one has the right to give an opinion on how people look, no one knows for what each person passes on their physical appearance so that another person without any reason comes to judge and give an opinion because them life is surely very miserable and you have nothing more to do.
  3. the people who is writing here are probably just frustrated guys because I opened my album to them at some point and then close it after a while, my photos are not there for the entertainment of all these people... I’m only interested in meeting kind and well-educated people. You guys believe that on your side you have many rights but that is not the case and true,,, you must earn it to deserve it... their anger lies in the fact that they do not have easy access to me like they have with 99% of the other scort there. My message is very clear and very respectful if none of you is able to answer something so simple I will definitely not be interested in meeting them. I’m quite respectful and if you approach me in a respectful way you will get the same thing back, people who know me already know what kind of person I am and my reviews can confirm it. The message from me is be nice to the guys there, it's enough to be exposed there to also have to come read all this. how sad. and yes that is Me. “Basstiann” Been reading this a long time ago.
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