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Everything posted by Alan0078

  1. “Then when he books an appointment and is on his way he says he is 17.” This is completely false and I can tell you why. I have actually NEVER meant up with anyone on Rent.Men before. I have NEVER driven to any RM advertisers house, hotel, or apartment. I made my account August 2023 but have never meant with anyone or successfully scheduled any appointments because of my work schedule. Another thing, I NEVER said your prices were too high. No where does it show that I was upset about your prices. I simply REACTED WITH EMOJIS because $2000 for overnight is INSANE. One hour or two hours I was okay with, but your $2000 price caught me off guard. I have messaged advertisers who have actually offered me $150 - $250 for sessions. You’re getting upset because not everyone is going to be willing to pay your prices, then automatically jumped to saying I’m allegedly a minor? You do not have REAL PROOF that I am a minor. If you were very much concerned about me being a minor, you should’ve asked for ID or did an age verification and I would’ve sent it to you. That screenshot you provided proves absolutely nothing because that could’ve been from any profile. Another thing, when I message other advertisers on Rent.Men they do not bring any concerns of me allegedly being a cop, underage, or show me the screenshot you provided and every single one of them has viewed my profile before. You also told me if anything did not work out the following week, you will return to Charlotte in March and actually made the hotel reservations for March while we were texting. This is a racist stereotype. I have never had a racial issue on RM until I actually messaged you. You were the first person to actually say something racist to be while talking to escorts. By all means, you have every right to not sleep with someone, but if you simply start to reject service from a stranger simply because of your own experiences with other clients of their skin color you are a racist.
  2. “You log on here and call me a racist. Your reviews also said that you had hit up an escort saying you were 17.” That is NOT A RENT.MEN SCREENSHOT. Are you seriously this slow? You can literally go to my Rent.men profile and see NO REVIEWS of me being a minor. Alan_XBD Looking for Gay Escort in - Charlotte | Rent.Men RENT.MEN Looking for Male Escorts & Gay Masseurs in Charlotte, NC, Alan_XBD Also, you’re claiming that I am falsely accusing you of racism but you never intended to include the rest of the bottom half of screenshots of messages you sent me. You were telling me people of my race “don’t know how to treat people right.” You were using your own experiences to justify racial discrimination and stereotypes against me when I literally have done nothing to you. Now you’re sitting here lying to people and trying to gaslight me into saying everything you said was false because I no longer have the screenshots or messages. If another black man were to message you and try to book an appointment with you, you would instantly give them racism because you were very BOLD with it. If you are not racist, then you should include every single screeenshot of what we talked about from top to BOTTOM.
  3. You most definitely left out A LOT of messages. You didn’t show the part where you told me you don’t meet up with black guys. Also, I’m very much not a minor because I am literally 19-years-old and not a cop. I have no idea where you got that screenshot from. if you are going to show text messages show the ENTIRE messages of EVERYTHING we talked about. It would make absolutely ZERO sense for me to be a cop. You’re literally making up excuses to cover yourself up and you’re trying to argue with people in the thread to make it seem like you’re all 100% innocent when you are not.
  4. He’s also a raging racist. When he went to my account and saw my race was Black, he started to come at me with racism saying he had bad experiences with black guys standing him up, or flaking on him and told me how my race doesn’t treat people right.
  5. Hello. I sent you a message about my experience with him. I had a highly very different and negative experience interacting with him other than everyone else in this thread giving him good reviews.
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