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Everything posted by badger

  1. I am not usually very good at asking for what I want. Part of the reason I decided to start meeting with pros was so I could hopefully feel less shy about doing so, but it can still be difficult for me. I met with a guy a few weeks ago who I gave a few very brief general sentences about what I was looking for. When we met, the chemistry was amazing, it was almost like he was reading my mind. I'm seeing him again tomorrow. Is it ok to ask him if I can send him a few links to porn that I particularly love (or screenshots) to convey more of what I'm intersted in? During our time together and a few texts since then, he has genuinely seemed interested in what I enjoy and want. I don't want to come across like I'm expecting him to do homework, but, yknow.
  2. Thanks, yeah I did go look through and they were all from differnet profiles with names that weren't obviously bots. Should have thought to do that before I asked here lol
  3. I've found someone in rentmen who's got me very interested. He's got 151 reviews, total score 5 stars. Initially I thought this was a really good sign but now I'm thinking, like, that can't be right. Is this even possible? Or a red flag for bullshit?
  4. Sure! Dominik Ward and Donnato, both from rentmen
  5. Yes hi! I'm ok! That first interaction wasn't great. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't what I was looking for (or paying for!) But I decided to try again with someone else a few weeks later and had an amazing time with that guy. I ended up seeing him several times. I've hired a couple of people since I first posted and all but the first have been amazing. I'm meeting someone new tomorrow actually
  6. Thanks for all the links, I appreciate it! It's funny, I've got lots of experience meeting strangers for hookups and am generally super comfortable, know what to do, etc, but this is a new experience and suddenly I feel like I don't know what to do lol
  7. Hi, I'm new here, just set up my first appointment with an escort. Will be seeing him tomorrow. In our initial message exchange, he asked what I was interested in. I didn't know how much I should go into it, so I gave him some basic info. That I'm a transmasc bottom, looking for aggressive masc top to push me around, tell me what to do, etc. We agreed to meet tomorrow.. should I offer more info? Or pics/videos of myself? Or.. just wait and meet him?
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