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Everything posted by mango

  1. Just had to share - I was looking for a cam show instead of an in person hire recently. Had a guy quote £750 (~$950) for a 20 min non-nude cam. It was either a "shut up and go away" number or he genuinely can get that because of his OF. Either way, even if I was loaded and rich, I would probably steer away from that.
  2. I can confirm that Exotic_Arabic is real. I thought the profile was fake until the moment he opened his door. Pics are accurate. Like others said, he's straight and limited, but I had a good time with him.
  3. This resonated with me so much. I've been abandoned by a gay-for-pay guy I fell for, though it didn't go nearly as far as your experience did. I still remember the hurt, the anger, and the grief. What helped me the most were gratitude and forgiveness. Even though I couldn't express those to him directly, it helped to remember them. It also helped to consciously and repeatedly forgive myself, too - for being lonely, for becoming attached because of unfulfilled emotional needs, for looking for love in a transactional relationship. That experience made me very jaded, though. It's hard for me to form any real connection with escorts now. I'm more cold and far less trusting. I assume that every message exchanged is being done with the expectation of future payment. It's made absolutely everything transactional, so much that I tend to not start any conversations not about meeting. I also assume that every compliment is flattery. So I'm at this point where I think everything about relationships that include paid sex is fake except the desire for money. That pendulum might have swung too far in my case. I hope you find the balance that works for you. And I hope you're able to find people that fulfill your emotional needs, escorts or otherwise.
  4. Houston PD has been going after this a lot recently. Part of it is media hype, part of it is sticking to street busts, and part of it is legitimate concern about human trafficking. It has made me a little more paranoid about hiring in Houston. Sticking more closely to safe rules is definitely the way to go.
  5. It's the same guy running the profile for "MasculineChris". He's doing a bait and switch. He'll do everything in the ad, but he looks nothing like those photos.
  6. He came back to my area and got a RM review, so I set up some time. It's a bait and switch. Lifted pics. The guy will do everything in the ad, but he's not the guy in the photos. Not sure how he got someone to post that RM review.
  7. Appreciate the replies, all! Very helpful. I needed this input. I feel a lot better about how to talk about this. Really, a lot better. It's great to see this from the client and provider perspectives.
  8. I'm very, very new to hiring providers, and I'm still figuring things out. When providers are booked for a meal and/or entertainment (movie, concert, etc), do rates usually stay the same? So far, I'm sensing this depends on the provider/client relationship, but I'd like a better perspective on what's typical. If seeing a movie or concert is usually the same rate as any time afterwards, I want to approach the topic respecting norms and provider's time up front. Right now, my working assumption is that all time is billed the same unless the provider offers something different.
  9. Wish I had seen the threads on this guy earlier. Luckily, I didn't lose any money on him, just time. This was on his "IvanxDrago" RM profile. We arranged to meet in NYC a couple weeks in advance. Confirmed couple days out. On the day of, about an hour before the time, he says he "doesn't feel well," and can't come. But hey, he says he knows another guy who can conveniently meet me at the same time and at the same price, and sends me a link to his profile. Yeah, I turned that down. Went a night without entertainment, but whatever. Based on the stories here about this guy, seems like I dodged a scam.
  10. I contacted him. Nice guy, but refused to send any photos that weren't on his profile. Without reviews or photos, I decided not to meet him. Too much of a red flag for me. I'm curious what others say
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